Chapter 11

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I slammed the front door shut and screamed. My bag flew from my hands and in front of a pair of feet.

I was fuming. I was breathing hard and my hands shook at my sides.

I looked up and saw Ace looking at me with a raised brow. "What got your panties in a twist, my dear sister?"

I took off my heels and held them in my hand as I walked up to him. "Your fucking security." I hissed at him.

"Why?" He asked. "Did you kill my security?"

"Almost. They're fucking stupid." I groaned in frustration. "First of, they don't know how to stop random people from entering my building. Second, they ate all of the food that I bought for my people."

I poked his chest with my finger and glared at him. "Get your god damn security out of my building before I rip out their balls and feed it to them and then kill them."

I walked past him and bumped my shoulder with his. I walked up the stairs and took a few deep breaths as I walked to my room.

I closed the door to my room behind me and a sight escaped my lips. I took off my blazer and threw it on my bed.

As I walked into my closet I took off the rest of my clothes and put on my pj's. I ran my hand through my hair a few times and walked towards my bed.

I plopped down on it and closed my eyes. As I was falling asleep someone knocked on my door. I groaned and stood up from my bed.

I opened the door and saw my dad standing in front of me. "Hey kid." He smiled at me. "Get down, we have a meeting."

He looked me up and down and his brows drew in confusion. "You wanna change or?"

I looked down at my pair of Christmas pj's and a black t-shirt. "Who's in the meeting?"

"The Smiths and us." I nodded my head and went into my closet to change quickly. I put on a pair of black jeans that were a bit loose and a dark red top.

"Alright, let's go." I walked up to my dad and closed my bedroom door before we started walking towards the meeting room.

"How was work?" I felt him glance at me. "Terrible." I said.

He laughed next to me and I glared at him. "It's not funny. I want Ace's security out of my building. Why are they even there?"

I threw my head back and groaned. I huffed and looked at my dad as he looked at me with a smile. "Because they're new. They need training, and your building is the one with the minimum security." He shrugged his shoulders. "We'll send them to one of the warehouses so that they can work there." I nodded my head, grateful that I can finally have some piece of mind.

"My building is the one with minimum security because my people are skilled." I grumbled. "I don't need extra security."

He nodded his head as he listened to me. "I know. You're your mom's daughter. Of course you're gonna have skilled security just like her in your age. Your mom was, and still is, one hell of a woman." He shook his head with a smile and a special glint in his eyes.

I smiled to myself as I watched him. I hope to one day find someone to look at me as dad looks at mom. To find someone who loves me for me. Not for my money.

"I'm glad that mom taught me everything she knows." I nodded to myself. "Being nicknamed Lilith is one hell of a praise."

He chuckled and nodded his head. We walked up to the door that held a huge meeting room behind it.

He opened the door for me and I walked in, head held high. No matter if it's my family, random people, or enemies, I was taught to keep my head high.

My eyes scanned across the room as I looked at everyone individually. Atlas was sitting next to his dad, to his left as his mom sat next to her husband.

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