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It happened when none of the students were in the dorms. It was spring break, meaning everyone was sent off to be with their family for a week. After the whole fiasco with the defeat of All for One, and the reveal of All Might's true form, students were not allowed to leave the dorms in order to keep the students safe.

But being nearly a whole year later with no incidents following, UA was finally comfortable to let the leash a little loose on their pupils. Everyone was ecstatic to finally have some freedom. However, for Katsuki Bakugo, it became a pain more than relief. He loved his parents (although he would rather die than to ever admit it), but he definitely did not miss the yelling he got almost every day. And the afternoon was no exception.

"Katsuki! Get your ass up! Don't be inconsiderate to your friends and be late!"

The boy slightly growled at the back of his throat as he laid awake staring at the ceiling. At least one day would have been nice to have without his idiot friends trying to bother him. It's not like he hated them. Bakugo was actually okay with having them around, but sometimes they could be a little too much, and his social battery tends to run out a lot quicker than most people's.

Now that U.A. students were able to go outside without a teacher chaperone, Kirishima and the others thought it would be nice to hang out at the mall, eat, and overall just waste whatever allowance that their parents probably had given them. In all honesty, Bakugo would rather stay home.


"I'm up, Hag!"

"Call me hag again, I dare you!"


For the first time ever, Bakugo took less time to get ready than he usually does. Because he did sleep in a little, he didn't have as much time that he usually would have to get ready. If there was one thing he agreed with his mother, it was to always be on time. He wasn't an animal.

After he got ready, Bakugo left for the train station. He didn't understand why they wanted to go to a mall that was nearly an hour away by train. It would have been easier to just go to the one near U.A., but because the new videogame/anime shop in Sashinami Mall was the biggest store in Tokyo that had limited edition stuff, they decided it would be the next hang out spot on their list. While Bakugo waited for his train to arrive, a visible frown rested on his face as he scrolled through Instagram.

For the last couple of days, news of people's quirks suddenly disappearing without a trace began to trend all over social media. On top of that, people began attacking each other unprovoked; no warning. It was speculated that this might be some kind of publicity stunt, or just pranks by stupid influencers who had nothing better to do. People also denied that quirks were suddenly disappearing. And anyways, All for One was captured, so it couldn't be his doing.

But with South Korea shutting its borders down, and the Japanese government eerily silent on the matter, suspicions were beginning to rise. And so was Bakugo's. Something was going on, but none of the higher ups wanted to mention anything. All he could do was hope that it had nothing to do with the League of Villains.

Minutes later, Bakugo finally got off the train, and at the entrance of the station were two of the people in his group of 'friends' (again, something he would rather die than to admit).

"Yo, Kachan!" A yellow-haired boy called out joyously, "looks like somebody made it on time."

Leaning against one of the pillars of the train station was Kaminari. He wore a sky blue button up, the sleeves slightly pulled up on his forearms. Along with the grey jeans that he donned, he had blue dress-up shoes with gold souls, as well as white-framed, yellow sunglasses shaped into stars that sat on the bridge of his nose.

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