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(Disclaimer: The name of Shinso's parents and what they look like were created by @keiid)


Shota Aizawa looked at his student with a scrutinizing gaze as the boy heaved a breath. Gripping the capture weapon around his neck, Hitoshi Shinso got into a stance, eyes darting around to study the metal targets. With a click of a button, the training started once more, and the robots began to attack.

Despite it being spring break, the long-haired instructor decided it would be a good idea to drill as much training into Shinso as possible. With the new school year fast approaching, it also meant that he would soon become part of Class 1-A, now turning into 2nd years. It also meant that the current Class 1-A will no longer be Aizawa's problem children to watch over. A sad thought for the man, though he wouldn't care to admit it.

As he watched his pupil fight off against multiple 'villains' at once, a small thud sounded from behind them, causing Aizawa to turn.

"Wassup Aizawa!" shouted a blonde-haired man. While he entered the gym, another figure trailed behind him. It was a little girl. With her grayish hair pulled up in a ponytail, she wore a cute red dress, straps holding it up with long sleeves underneath. Her red eyes looked around the gym before landing on Aizawa. She grinned.

"Papa!" The little girl bolted towards him. Her arms latched onto Aizawa as she jumped onto him. The man quickly caught her.

"Look what I got!" She said. Pulling out a little object, she waved it around with an excited look on her face, making Aizawa smile.

"That's a nice toy Eri." The little girl gave another grin before moving to get out of his arms. As Aizawa set her down, the other man in the room bounded up to him, a paper bag swinging in his hand while another rested in his other arm.

"Made a stop by McDonalds. Hope you like nuggets," Hizashi Yamada grinned, lifting the meal in Aizawa's direction. The man took it, and when his eyes shifted towards the other bag in his hand, Aizawa switched off the training robots, causing Shinso to look at him in confusion.

"Heads up mini 'zawa!"

Yamada tossed the paper bag in Shinso's direction. He caught it, looking at the contents in the bag before going to sit down against the wall. Eri followed suit and excitedly sat next to him. While Shinso shared some of his food with Eri and the girl happily taking them, Aizawa found his eyes lingering on the two. He could feel the slight dread in his stomach starting to bubble up again, and he breathed in deeply to push it down. Something that Yamada had noticed.

He tapped his friend on the shoulder, gesturing towards the furthest wall next to the entrance. Once they both sat down, Aizawa began pulling out the food from the bag. He didn't start eating, however, and Yamada took it as a signal for him to start talking.

"When I heard about the bombing in Tokyo, I tried to get us here as fast as possible," he spoke in a low tone.

At that statement, Aizawa looked at his friend through his peripheral before picking at his food. Yamada continued.

"The food and happy meal was the only distraction I could make for cutting our day short. They've got some of the local Tokyo heroes and the police investigating what happened, but they haven't caught who did it."

"Anything we need to do?"

"Nothing yet. Everyone's still on standby since this morning."

Aizawa sighed, leaning against the wall while closing his eyes. The low hum of anxiety hounded against his chest and his mind as he thought about what happened. The Hero Commision building in Tokyo was bombed around ten in the morning. When he first found out about it through the widespread text message sent out to all heroes in nearby cities, his first thought was the League of Villains.

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