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"What..is going on?" Mina cried softly. She clutched herself against Kaminari, burying her face into his chest to try and erase the horrifying event that happened moments prior. The boy himself frowned lightly. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around the poor girl, pulling her closer to let her cry.

Bakugo glanced away from the two. After the group escaped from being eaten, they remained hidden away from the rest of the creatures inside a sort of break room. Earlier, while he and the group were wandering the mall, Bakugo noticed a few people leaving the room. They had some drinks in hand, and they chatted happily until they had to split off to their separate ways.

Leading everyone here was a complete gamble. After all, if the room wasn't open, he would have led them all to their deaths. Well, come to think of it, he did. Bakugo's eyes traveled down to his bloodied hand, the same one that held the girl's that got ripped apart in front of him by the monsters that lurked the building. Their wretched screeches echoed in the air, and he could see that some of the people in their little safe house had taken to covering their ears.

He had no idea what was going on. And he was pretty sure neither did the rest of the pros. Maybe the government had some involvement, or maybe it was a villain out on a vendetta. There was nothing to cement where this whole virus came from.

Bakugo could feel himself beginning to get off the high of adrenaline. The throbbing ache in his legs became ever so apparent, a feeling he wasn't quite used to. Whatever caused the disappearance of his quirk could also be the cause of his sudden fatigue.

"You okay Bakugo?" Kirishima asked as he placed a hand against his shoulder. The boy shrugged it off.

"I'm fine," he responded quietly with a sharp tone in his voice. The sandy blonde moved towards one of the windows in the room. Pulling the curtain slightly, he watched as the same thing that happened inside the mall ravage the city to pieces. Some people ran out of the building, but their moment of safety became short lived, and they were instantly tackled to the ground.

Flames engulfed some cars as they crashed into buildings, others getting destroyed by the same creatures that had attacked them. As Bakugo watched the chaos unfold outside, he could hear the quiet, frantic murmurs of the group, trying to process what had just happened.

"What are we supposed to do? Where are all the heroes?"

"Maybe they're just trying to mobilize or something. They have to be finding ways to deal with this, right?"

"I wish All Might was still active. He would've taken care of this easily."

"Mommy, are we going to be okay?"

"Don't worry sweetie. The heroes will come for us. I'm sure of it!"

Bakugo could only frown. No they aren't, he thought to himself, not with what's going on outside. Not when quirks really disappeared. He hadn't mentioned earlier, or rather, there wasn't time to, but when they ran after seeing the woman attacked, he glanced back. Everything felt surreal. It felt wrong. But there was no denying what he saw. The traditional suit and tie. The four arms. And when it lifted its face, Bakugo knew.

It was Fourth Kind.

The boy sighed deeply, running a hand down his face while he gritted his teeth.

Shit. He was barely recognizable, but it was him. What happened?

Suddenly, a loud ring caused Bakugo and the others to jump. His pocket buzzed simultaneously, and the boy quickly pulled his phone out and answered.

"Katsuki! Where are you?! You were supposed to be home an hour ago! I swear, this is the last time you'll be out with your friends in a long time!"

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