The Unexpected

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I wanted to take some time off and thank each one of you lovelies for the reads, votes and comments. They inspire me to go on. So read on and enjoy. Love you all. Xoxo. <3

He thrusts his hand further so that it is mere inches away from my face. I jerk back and quickly climb up to my feet. He lets his waiting hand fall to his side and clumsily shifts from side to side.

Now that I have a closer look, I can see that he's not stick thin but gracefully tall and lean. His pale face is unshaven with a sharp nose, lush lips and a handsome jawline. The dim sunlight adds an auburn shade to his big mop of tight curls. But any charm that his features add to his rugged appearance is taken away by his grubbiness and bizarre clothes.

"Who the hell are you? And why are you stalking me?" I ask him sternly. "Who even let you in?"

"You don't wanna know who I am." He says in his annoyingly husky voice. "And I don't wanna tell you why I'm stalking you. And no one has to let me in."

"You're weird." I tell him.

"I've been called worse." He says, rolling his eyes.

I'm frustrated by his composure when I'm boiling from within. Also I'm a little creeped out. He actually admitted that he's been stalking me.

"Go away!" I snap and an amused smile spreads across his face.

"I'm not leaving you." He says smugly and I gape at his brazen words.

"Whatever." I say petulantly and start ambling back into the college building. And then I recall something. "When you said they won't go out...?"

His smile widens. "The girl's father will go out on a business trip tonight." He says knowingly and rubs his nose. "Her mother won't let her go out."

I stare at him through narrowed eyes. "Yeah, whatever!" I repeat and as I turn back and walk through the entrance, I rip my jeans and skin on one of the bigger cacti plants kept there for show. I squat down to caress the injured spot and, from the corner of my eyes, I notice the wierdo take a step towards me.

I jump back up and my leg screams in protest. I turn to find his hand outstretched as if he's reaching out to me and I can see a strange mix of worry and rage in his eyes.

I suddenly want to go away from him, put as much distance as I can between us. So I limp backwards while keeping a cautious eye on him and once he's safely out of sight, I turn and hobble back to my class through the now empty hallways.

Once I reach, I notice that everyone's already seated but, luckily, the teacher hasn't arrived yet. So I quickly take my seat without glancing up at anyone again.

A few heartbeats later, I hear a phone buzz beside me. I sense Kriya digging deep in her slim fit jeans and retrieving her cell.

"Oh no." She says to her minion on her other side. "My Mum just texted me. My dad has to go out tonight."


I'm exhausted. That's what happens when you try to avoid your best friend, crush and archenemy the entire day at college.

As I shuffle towards my humble abode, I notice a paramedic van and a cop car in front of Mrs Ahluwalia's place. I grow a bit curious but decide not to do anything about it.

As I push open the black gate outside my house, I spot a familiar motorcycle in the driveway. I should have known. The bike belongs to Nitin, Trisha's long term boyfriend. They've beat me to my own house.

I walk in and find them in the living room along with my Mom and aunt.

"Obnoxious family and filthy friends." I call out as I enter. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Trisha gets up off the couch and pulls me into her arms.

"Why have you been dodging me at college today?" She asks in a meek voice. I melt at her concern.

"No reason." I say and she frowns at me. But, fortunately, she doesn't say anything more and returns to her former spot by Nitin and starts conversing with my aunt.

I follow her and flop back onto the couch on the other side of Nitin. He turns to flash me one of his genial smiles and I grin back.

Nitin is a cute, shy guy and has been a brotherly figure to me ever since they started going out about five years ago. And even though he looks tough due to his brawny six foot six physique and short cropped hair, he's actually a sweetheart who clearly deserves an award for putting up with my hard-headed Trisha every single day.

"What's up with the jeans?" My Mom asks me and I shift in my place to look at her. Her eyes look puffy.

"Oh I just ... fell." I say and she doesn't seem convinced. But she decides to let it go. For now.

"Did you get the news?"


"Mrs Ahluwalia died today." She informs me. So that's what's up with her puffy eyes. She's been crying a lot today. We barely knew Mrs Ahluwalia. But then, my Mum's a softie. "I heard it was a heart attack."

"Oh." I reply shortly, not knowing what else to say. Death is a touchy subject around here.

A while later, I excuse myself and head to my room. As I walk in through the door, I hear soft footsteps behind me and Trisha enters the room. I place my bag on the recliner and fall back onto my bed. She's by my side within no time. I turn my face away from her. A long talk with my best friend about my unrequited love is the last thing I need right now.

"It's him, isn't it?" she asks softly. Just so you know, there's no point in hiding anything from your best friends. They just know too damn much.

"Who?" I ask with mock innocence and prop myself up on my elbows.

"You know who."

I bite my lips and close my eyes so that she doesn't see the despondence in them, forgetting that she doesn't need to see in order to know what I'm going through.

"Awww, sweetie." She whispers and pulls me into a tight embrace. "He was a loser anyway."

I smile against her shoulder, glad that I have all these people that I can always count on.

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