Lost And Found

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With every annoying tick of the clock in my bedroom, my impatience mounts. I waited outside Akira's place for a whole hour but she didn't show up. She is not even receiving the gazillion calls that I can't help making.

I come back home and wonder if she is ignoring me. Maybe she's had enough. Maybe she's realized that I'm not nearly good enough for someone like her. The thought evokes a mixture of sorrow and anger within me. Where before her I'd not even spared a thought about sharing my life, or whatever it is, with someone, now all I can see ahead of me is a chilling darkness without her by my side. I've forgotten what it is like to carry on in her absence.

I've contacted all her friends, checking to see if she's with any of them, only to be disappointed by their replies. I've called her worried mother as well, who said that she'd come back home from a wedding and Akira was nowhere to be found. I tried to calm her down by lying that she might probably be with one of her friends.

Some of the Staretts, Leaftains and all of the ghosts are out looking for her right now. I've personally visited all of her usual haunts like the local library and even her college, but to no avail.

The Heavens above darken and so does my spirit. I know that I'll find her, that isn't a problem. I just hope that she'll be safe and untouched until I do. I hear movement behind me and turn around to find Tara standing in the middle of my bedroom, a strange expression clouding her beautiful face.

"Did you find her?" I question, my voice laced with desperate hope.

"No." She replies with a hint of nervousness. "But we have a lead."

"Well, what is it?!" I urge.

"We're suspecting that it's a Being of Light." She answers. "You know that we can't track them. They're far more superior to any of us."

My mind races back to these people who are supposed to maintain a good balance of happiness and faith in this world. I've never met any of them personally but I've heard from a lot of sources that they're quite wise. I don't see what any of them have to do with Akira.

"How do you know that it's them?" I ask Tara, gritting my teeth at the thought of the stranger that I've come to hate within the past few minutes.

"You know it when it's a Being of Light." She paces across my room as she explains. "They have their own aura. Akira's room was full of it when Odeon went up to her place. But we don't know which one of them it is."

"How many are there?" I wonder.

"About a hundred."

I sit down on my bed and cover my face with my hands. "That's too many. And we don't even know where they live." I bang my fists against the mattress. "I should have stayed with her!"

"Dylan, calm down." Tara strides to my side and places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We do know some of them and we'll find out who it is. Akira will be safe."

"You know some of them?" I look up at her expectantly.

"Yes, and we're going to meet them."

"I'm coming with you." I declare, getting up to my feet.

"Not to offend you or anything, but I don't think they'll be happy to see Death, of everyone, walking up to them." Tara says and I roll my eyes.

"Do you know anybody who would be?" I scoff. "I'm coming with you, that's it. Let's go."

"Fine." She utters, defeated. "You'll know where to go, just keep close."

I nod and shut my eyes in concentration. I can still see Tara behind my eyelids as she swirls the train of her gown and the both of us exit my room.

"Run!" I hear that bodiless bellow yet again as I follow Tara through the timeless path, hoping to find Akira at the other end.



I wake up to an unbearable headache tearing my brain apart. I find myself cocooned in a bundle of quilts and sheets. The first thing I notice is the intricate painting involving a symphony of simple curves and flowers and stars that has been so beautifully depicted on the ceiling. My fascination for this piece of art is interrupted by the fact that I've never seen it before in all my life. A sense of danger creeps in and chills my bones.

Where on Earth am I?

I push the quilt off of me and raise myself up on my elbows. Since the curtains are drawn over the only window in the humongous room, I can't really see much of it. The only furniture here is the large bed that I'm lying on, an empty bedside table and a modest leather couch pushed off to one corner. Sleek white granite covers the floor which is set against baby pink walls.

I sit up on the plush bed and look around, intimidated, at the shadowy corners. I think I see a sign of movement.

Dylan: The only coherent word that my muddled mind can muster right now. I notice the solid bump in my jeans pocket and sigh in relief. I whip out my cell phone only to be disappointed by the absence of even a single signal bar.

"Cell phones are of no use in a place like this." A deep voice calls from the shadows, breaking into my train of worried thoughts.

"Yeah, so is my brain." I mumble. "Wait, who the hell are you?!"

"You'll know shortly." The voice answers complacently.

"Just so you know, being kidnapped isn't really my kind of thing." I pass on the information. "Why did you bring me here?" I intone the next important question.

"Ahh..." I hear a sigh. "That I can answer."

And then a lurking silence.

"Well?" I push.

"I want you to stay away from Dylan." He states.

I almost laugh at his words. I fling my legs over the side of the bed and hop down. The icy floor tickles my warm feet.

"Now why exactly would I do that?" I ask.

"Because I said so."

This time the chuckle escapes my lips.

"And what makes you think that I'll listen to you?"

I hear the high screech of a chair being pushed against the floor as the person gets to his feet. He steps forward so that the feeble light that has managed to penetrate the curtain falls on him.

"Because you have to." He declares.

I gasp and hold onto the bed post for support that my limbs have suddenly failed to provide. I draw in short, quick breaths as warm tears roll down my cheeks. A weak cry escapes my lips as every sense within me collapses to the pit of my stomach. I stagger forward and fall into his waiting arms.

Yes, I'm still alive. And yes, I'm still working on the story.
Thank you so much for sticking with it even after all the delay that I've caused! I love guys beyond belief!!

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