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I wake up early the next morning and sprint to my mother's room with a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth. I find her sitting at the reading table with her favorite novel in her hand.

"Momma!" I bellow through a mouth full of paste and a few droplets fly out. She places her book down, crosses her arms across her chest and gives me a stern look. "Fine!" I say and march to her bathroom.

I hastily brush my teeth, spit out the paste, rinse my mouth and walk out. I spot her standing before the only photo in her room. It's a life-size family portrait: My mother is fifteen years younger and a hundred times prettier without the worry lines that a life without her husband would eventually carve into her skin. I am still a three year old in her arms with a wide smile on my face. And by her side is my father in all the dazzling glory of his twenty-eight year old self. He leans slightly to the right, over his crutch. He had always held a crutch and he had always limped. I was too young to know why.

I sense a fresh surge of guilt as I realize that I didn't bother to find out even when I was old enough. I get a feeling that I probably don't want to.

"I've met someone, Mum." I tell her and she turns to look at me in utter astonishment.


"I'm in love, Mom." I say and I know that it's a lame response. But it's the only truth.

"You know nothing about love, Akira." She states in a firm tone.

"I know that." I agree. "But I intend to find out with him."

"But-" She begins and I cut her off.

"Just meet him once, Mom. Please. I've asked him to come to the Iridescence Restaurant at six. Please, Mom."

She seems unsettled for a few moments but she finally gives up. "Okay." She affirms. "But only once. And if I don't like him..."

"You will! I promise!" I shriek, clapping my hands in excitement.

"He better be good, kid." She warns and leaves the room.


Trisha, Nitin and I are lounging on the velvety grass of my backyard, our heads together. The sun is soothingly warm as it kisses my skin and the tune Trisha is humming works like a magical lullaby.

"I'm taking my family out to meet my boyfriend this evening." I inform them and Trisha jerks her head to look at me.

"Your what?!" She bawls.

"My boyfriend."

"When did you get a boyfriend?!"

"When you were busy naming your unborn kids."

She cups her hand in front of her mouth. "I'm so sorry, Akira! I've been so self-obsessed. Oh, I hope they like him!"

"You both are coming with us. I said family, didn't I?" I say and Trisha rolls around to give me a hug.

"Nitin? What do you think?" I ask.

"I'm thinking of how to let him know that he's gonna face terrible consequences if he hurts you in the slightest way." He says solemnly and I laugh.

"I'll tell him that. How's your brother doing, Nitin? I heard he's going away for further studies."

"Yeah. He's leaving next Monday. I think I'll miss him." He utters and I pout.

I'm about to make a response when I hear someone call my name. I rise up on my elbows to find Kriya standing at the doorway. I get to my feet and walk up to her.

"Hey, Akira." She greets and I smile. "I came around to tell you that I'm throwing a party at my place tonight and I want you to come. It's kind of a Nick I'm doing absolutely fine without you bash." She tells and I laugh.

"Sure, Kriya. I'll be there." I say and she looks over my shoulder at my skeptical friends.

"Please ask them to come as well." She tells me and I nod.

"I'll tell them."

"Okki! I have to leave. Bye." She hugs me for a moment and then leaves. I walk back to the utterly flummoxed faces of my best friends.



Grace brushes the top coat of my brand new tux as if it's dusty beyond belief. "You look so good, Dylan!" She squeals.

"Thank you." I say and turn to examine myself in the mirror. I look decent.

"So you're meeting the girl's family. You know that they're an exceptionally mean species, right?" Tristan, who is sitting on the windowsill, says.

"They can't be that bad." I wonder out loud.

"You have no clue. Besides, what do you do for a living?"


"What'll your answer be when they ask you that?" He queries and I realize that I haven't really thought about it.

"Nothing at present." I answer. It's better than the truth.

Tristan rolls his eyes heavenward. "Best of luck, bro. You'll need loads of that. I'll pray for you." He says. He moves through the closed window and jumps off on the other side.

Ahaan passes by the door and then walks back. He looks at me with raised eyebrows. Then he shakes his head and trots away.

I whip my new phone out and capture a selfie. I think of sending it to Akira and then I recall that I want to see the look on her face when she sees me like this. So I put it back in and walk out the door to meet the unknown



Nitin pulls up his brother's car in front of Iridescence. The four of us ladies dressed in our best attires hop out and head inside as Nitin tries to find a parking spot.

I move ahead of the others and reach the front desk to inquire about our reservation. I stand behind a tall stranger who seems to be in between a friendly conversation with the lady behind the counter. I wait for him to finish, tapping my heels impatiently over the granite floor. I've had enough when it's been five whole minutes and the guy hasn't budged an inch.

I poke him on the shoulder and he pivots to look at me.


Not the Dylan that I'm used to. Not the Dylan with the typical black clothes and unruly hair. This is the Dylan in a black tux, with a hot red tie and long hair that is gelled back flawlessly.

"Are they here, love?" He asks and I try to move my jaw which is lying on the floor. I settle with a nod.

"Okay, moment of truth. Let's go." He says and links his arm through mine. I follow Dylan out to the other room where my family is waiting. I silently pray that everything will go smoothly.

If only I knew what was to come.

In Between The StarsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora