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Three Years Later


The titanic arena is jam-packed. Even the combined murmur of the people around me is deafening. I know that the ringing sound in my ear won't go away for at least the next forty-eight hours. The sky is a dark wonder above me and the stars shine brighter than ever.

It's going to be Dylan's last performance of the day and all the heavy heartbeats together form a louder sound than the murmurs. It is one of those rare days when my entire family (which, by the way, now includes both Kriya and Sahil) has decided to attend Dylan's concert.

I watch everyone eagerly wait for their idol to return from his short break backstage. An odd sort of feeling tickles every inch of my body including the very pit of my stomach and my mouth has gone terribly dry. I turn around to check on my family and everything seems fine; they are all giggling and chatting away like it's the best day of their lives.

I sigh.

I almost jump when the phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out to find an unknown number flashing on the screen. I frown; everyone who has my private contact number is right here by my side and I don't think any of them is telekinetic, so they can't actually manipulate a phone using their brains.

I answer the call but, of course, I can hear nothing over the noise around me. I excuse myself and push through the crowd of hot and sweaty bodies and  to one of the discreet corridors, which isn't completely quiet either, but it's the best that I can do right now.

"Hello?" I call into the phone and the only response I get is an eerie silence.

"Hello?!" I say once again, this time with a hint of exasperation in my voice.

I barely have the time to register the heavy and hurried footsteps behind me before the cloth is drawn over my eyes and a hefty hand covers my mouth to muffle my screams. I feel myself being lifted into someone's arms and then I'm jolted from side to side as the person starts running. I'm quite surprised at how this someone is able to dart at this speed and keep me from hollering at the same time.

After a few moments of intense but fruitless struggle, I am finally lowered to my feet and the silence around me claws at my ears. The cloth is slid off of my eyes and the first thing I see are the drums on the stage with extremely shiny red metal bodies and the almighty crowd that has somehow managed to mute itself.

And then I see him. Down on one knee. His turquoise eyes, that I'm still not used to, shining with a blinding brightness. A thin film of sweat covering his forehead. His lips stretched into the broadest grin. He's a sight to behold.

"Akira." He says my name and it sounds like silk coming out of his mouth.

"I can't spend one more second of my life..." He continues, pulling the red-velvet ring box out of his pocket. "... not knowing for sure that I'll be spending the rest of it with you. It's only perfectly logical for me to be doing this since whatever I am, I am yours." And this time, there are tears in his eyes, sparkling, beautiful. "I'll love you with everything I have till the stars fall out of the sky. Will you do me the extraordinary honor of being my wife?"

Hot tears line up at the edge of my hand that is covering my mouth. I look over at my family. Mum, Kris, Trisha, Nitin, Kriya and Sahil, all their faces are lit up as if they're watching a miracle unfold in front of them. I feel an invisible hand brush my face and I know that it's Tristan, he's done this many times before. And I realize that my entire family is here, even though I can't see some of them.

And then I look at my own personal miracle and the answer is blaringly obvious.

"Yes." I whisper the most absolute truth of my life breathlessly and hear the synchronized music of fifty-thousand gasps.

He ascends to his feet and delicately places the ring on my finger. A simple platinum band with a heavy diamond in the center, and when he turns it, I notice our infinity symbol etched on the band. A perfect fit. Much like us.

The following roar of the crowd rocks the very foundation beneath our feet, it's a vibration that migrates up to my heart and settles there.

His arms enclose me and he kisses my forehead before doing the same to my lips. Sealing the deal.

And in that pristine second, I just know. I know that this moment is being written in between the stars. And I couldn't be more grateful.

So.... Yeah. IBTS has come to an end.... And I still can't wrap my head around this fact. I mean, I don't even remember how it is to not have to worry about Dylan's next dialogue or Akira's next move or Tristan's next mischief every single second of every single day... It sure is going to be inexplicably odd without them.

Okay and... One Jupiter-sized Thank you to every single one of you for the reads, votes, comments and support... Your words inspired me to go on when I didn't want to type in even a single letter...

The story is ranked #662 in fantasy. I wish I could explain how I'm feeling right now but, surprisingly, I'm at a loss for words. So thank you again. I love you guys so much 'cos y'all are beautiful people.

Stay blessed and always hope for miracles. Infinite XO's !

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