Being Trapped

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I stare blankly up at the beautiful ceiling as I lie on my back at the edge of the bed. Inanely enough, I'd planned on getting away from this place for a while. I'd looked out the window, which turned out to be about a hundred feet above the ground.

So yeah, I'm basically locked up in a room of my father's mansion which is perched atop a snow-covered hill and all I can see beyond that is a vast expanse of snow-covered ground aka nothing.

Where is your Death when you need him?!

A train of unexpected, but not precisely unwelcome, thoughts travel around in my idle brain. I'm here and not at home, which means that my mother is probably freaking her brains out right about now. She must be hyperventilating, she must be yelling at my aunt, she must be yelling at Trisha, she must be yelling at the walls. Actually, she might have already called the cops.

And then I wonder what Dylan is doing. Apart from trying to find me, of course. A slow smile stretches my lips out as I think of him.

I realize that everything that is happening right now should be freaking me out, too. But I am so calm and quiet that I can almost hear my eyes blinking.

I mean, to be quite honest, there's absolutely no reason for me to flip out. It's my father who's kidnapped me, for god's sake.

I scrape the black nail paint off my fingers and chew on the inside of my mouth. This has probably been the laziest day of my life. I wish I had some food, though.

I hear a smart knock at my door and jump up in surprise.

"Uh... I'm locked in." I call out in confusion.

"Oh!" A shrill voice says on the other side of the door. "Can I come in, ma'am?"

"No, you can't. The door is locked." I respond, rolling my eyes.

"But... am I allowed to enter, ma'am?" He questions and I frown at the door.

Oh, but who is this person that I'm conversing with? He could be a machete killer (ah, old fears!). But something tells me that there couldn't possibly be any machete killer in your father's house, especially when your father is a Being of Light.

"Fine. Come on in." I holler back.

A moment later, someone walks through the door. This someone is one of the most bizarre someones that I've come across, and I think I've seen a fair share of bizarre in my life.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm your butler, Dixon." He says pleasantly and even lowers himself in a bow.

So Dixon is basically just white light. In the shape of a human being. No eyes, no hair, no mouth, just light with the right curves to give him the appearance of a human body. Dixon holds a tray in his "hands" and the sight of it makes my mouth water. The large silver tray bears a huge burger, French-fries that look so perfect in their golden-brown glory that it makes my heart ache and a tall glass of Coke with cubes of ice floating on top.

It is safe to say that Dixon is my favorite person in the world right now. He walks over and places the tray on the table in front of the bed.

"How did you know I was hungry? Do you read minds?" I ask him as I eye the food in front of me with a growing sense of starvation.

"Only when someone thinks of food." He answers politely.

I smile up at him and I think he smiles back, because his light seems to brighten at that moment. "Thanks." I mutter.

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