~Coffee & Confusion~

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After Emma left, Paul was confused and he had to sort out his feelings. This would require more coffee. He poured himself another cup of coffee. Emma wasn't just cute, she was so much more. Granted, she was blunt as hell, but that was something to love about her.
After seeing that dress she wore, Paul didn't know how to act. That's why he had so much more to drink than he'd normally allow. Hopefully drunk him could flirt well.
It molded to her body. Tight, black, strapless, and short. It made her appear a little taller and older, but in a good way. And her arms, oh those arms. And her hair?! Perfect. It made Paul weak in his knees to even think about how beautiful she was.
A few hours passed in which Paul was just thinking. He was jerked out of his stupor by a notification. @perkyemma followed you. Paul swiped to look at it. It was Emma's account and he decided to follow back, out of courtesy.
He ended up getting ready for the day and just sitting in his room. He was overwhelmed and it was all Emma's fault, that bitch. Paul didn't know how to act around her and he hoped Beanie's wouldn't be weird.
@CupofZoey: So what are your thoughts on Emma? ;)
Paul almost dropped his phone upon reading that. He had to come up with a reply as to not give anything away.
@MattPaul: She's pretty cool. Once I brought her home, we just slept. I have a spare room
@CupofZoey: I really hoped things would be more interesting.
Paul laughed softly, hoping Zoey couldn't tell he was lying. He hoped so too, but that time they spent on the couch, kissing was priceless. It was cloud nine for him. The only thing missing was a nice cup of black coffee.
Beanie's didn't go as Paul or Emma hoped the next day. She had his order ready and he had the exact change lined up. One could say it was because they hoped to limit their contact time. That was Paul's reason. Emma's reason was that Beanie's was empty and she needed something to do. Zoey was off all day, Nora took over for the afternoon/night shift, and Kelly was going to come a little after noon. They were all sleeping in, as Emma knew, which is why she took a seat at one of the tables and motioned for Paul to join her.
"Emma, this—" Paul started.
"I know, this is a bad idea. But after doing some thinking last night, I had a lot of thoughts," Emma said.
"I would hope so."
"Shut up, Paul. I know you have half an hour until work and Ted can't come until tomorrow, since his ban you know."
"What's your point in all this?" Paul asked, sitting down across from Emma.
"Just stand up," Emma said, making sure his coffee was on the table, nice and steady. She walked over to him.
"Emma—" Paul was going to start talking, but Emma kissed him. Needless to say, Paul was shocked. "That one?"
"For having an empty Beanie's on a Monday morning and not knowing how to control myself around you!" Emma exclaimed, her hand flying to cover her mouth. Saying that was not her intent. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."
Paul stood there like a deer in headlights. Before Emma could get any further, Paul kissed her. "Don't mock me, Paul," she said.
"I'm not," he said, shocked that she'd think that.
"Then what was that one for?" Emma asked, her arms crossed.
"I was also thinking on Sunday and whatnot. I pretty much stayed in one place all day, I was thinking so much. I-I don't want things to be awkward between us," Paul said, "But I can't help it. I swear, I have no idea what to do with myself around you!" Paul covered his mouth with his hand. The silence in the room was palpable. He grabbed his coffee. "I-I'm sorry, I should go," Paul said, almost running out of Beanie's. He didn't know why he came so early. There was at least half an hour before work started.
"I'm an idiot," Paul mumbled. He couldn't do it today. Work seemed so impossible and he hadn't used a single sick day.
When he got home, Paul immediately called Mr. Davidson. "CCRP Technical, K. Davidson speaking," Mr. Davidson said.
"Hi, Mr. Davidson," Paul said, fake coughing.
"What's up, Paul?" Mr. Davidson asked.
"I hate to do this, but I can't work today. I have a fever," Paul said, hoping he could fake it.
"That's fine. Just let me know if you need to work from home tomorrow," Mr. Davidson said, "Hope you feel better, Paul. Go rest."
Upon hanging up, Paul let out a sigh of relief. He sat on his couch the whole day, replaying that whole interaction at Beanie's. This really was pathetic. Paul Matthews, getting all flustered over some girl, more specifically the BARISTA he thought he was friends with.
When it was about six, there was a knock on Paul's door. He opened the door. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Emma walked right past him. Her eyes were swollen.
"We need to talk about this morning," she said, "I know you weren't at work because your friend Bill came all alone. He explained you hadn't showed up."
"It was for a reason," Paul said, his tone clear that he didn't want to expand on the topic.
"Yeah, I know the reason, I also called in to change my shift to the early afternoon for the same reason. Kelly was able to take mine," Emma said.
"What is there to say about this morning?" Paul asked.
"We need to define it. Dating? Friends with benefits? Drunk mistakes? What are we?" Emma asked.
"I don't know," Paul said. He walked over to Emma and kissed her. "I can't think when you're around me. My brain just turns to mush because well—"
"Well what?" Emma asked, looking up at Paul. He ran a hand through his hair.
"You're one of the prettiest people I've ever met. And after Saturday, I don't know what to do around you. It's so hard," he said.
"So I presume drunk mistakes is out of the question," Emma said. Paul laughed roughly.
"I just want to know what you're comfortable with. I'm good with anything," he said.
"To make things less awkward, let's just, I don't know, say dating because I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to spend another day with you, just kissing," she said. She received a genuine smile from Paul.
"That's great," Paul said, gesturing to the couch. She sat down next to him and they went in for a kiss. It was short and sweet, which seemed to be their style.
"So we say we're dating and you don't give me a proper kiss?" Emma smirked.
"Fine," Paul said, "Lead the way."
"Gladly," Emma said, jumping onto Paul and kissing him. In the process, she managed to lay him down. She parted her lips to let him go as passionate as he wanted. It wasn't too much, but it satisfied Emma.
"Damn," Paul mumbled. Emma grinned.
"I just need a time limit or else this is never gonna end. What time are you in bed by?" She asked.
"Like 10:30 to 11:00," he responded.
"And I need to be asleep by 10:15ish in order to wake up, and I'm about fifteen minutes from here, so that means I need to leave at 9:45," Emma said.
"Did you drive?"
"Okay, I'll drive you home. It'll give us like five more minutes," Paul said.
"Are you sure?" Emma asked.
"Yes, I want to be able to kiss you for longer," Paul said, doing just that.
After eating dinner half an hour later, Emma had led them to the guest room insisting that "the couch doesn't have enough room." Paul didn't bother arguing. He liked Emma's spunk.
"I'm going to turn on the lights or run into everything here," Paul said, finding the lamp and switching it on. He and Emma sat from each other across the bed. He grabbed her small form and started kissing her roughly. She responded just as roughly. Then, they pulled apart, a light pink on each of their faces.
"Yeah, I'll turn it off," Paul said, casting the room into darkness. "Wait, where are you?"
"Right here," Emma said, her lips brushing against his as she spoke. Paul kissed her again, letting all his self-control leave.
They both thought they were done as Paul walked Emma to her apartment. "Excuse the mess," Emma said, unlocking the door.
"Don't worry about it," Paul said, staying in the doorway.
"Come in, I saw you put an extra pair of clothes for work in your car and you're basically wearing pajamas," Emma said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, let me return the favor," Emma said. She watched Paul get his things, fix his parking, and return to her arms. She locked the door. He set his things on her kitchen counter.
"Just make sure you have an alarm," Emma told Paul as they brushed their teeth together. Paul responded with a thumbs-up.
They sat on the couch for a bit, Emma knowing she could sleep at 11:00 and wake up in time for her morning shift. They had Netflix in the background, but most of it was them just kissing each other back and forth.

Life has been busy y'all
—Luna :D

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