~Coffee & Stories~

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 Paul returned to work the next day, cheerful and hopeful. "Glad to see you, better, Paul," Mr. Davidson said as Paul passed with his Beanie's cup.

"Thanks, Mr. Davidson," Paul said, sitting in his cubicle. He talked to Bill for a bit. "How was your weekend?"

"It was good," Bill said, "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look way too happy for being "sick" yesterday."

"Well, what can I say? I'm feeling better!" Paul exclaimed, getting to work. He looked at where Emma wrote his name and a little note on his coffee cup. DM me if you want to do anything tonight. If not, see you tomorrow. xoxo-Emma

Well, that definitely made him smile. He could carve out an hour, just so long as it was after work. And to do that, he had to finish his work.

Once Paul decided to really crack down on work, he blocked out everything and finished about an hour before they could leave. He started to eat his lunch, a sandwich he made, just like every day. Paul remembered to DM Emma.

@MattPaul: I can do after work, but I'm carpooling with Bill so I have to stay at home.

@perkyemma: That works. Can I go to your place?

@MattPaul: It's been a yes since yesterday, hotshot.

@perkyemma. Ugh. I have to work. See you at Beanie's in an hour?

@MattPaul: Can't wait

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Bill asked. Paul nodded.

"Yeah. I'll see you then," Paul said as they left work. Upon leaving they both ended up going to Beanie's. "So great minds think alike?"

"Yeah, Paul," Bill smiled. He went up to Zoey and ordered. Paul followed.

"Let's just say I've heard some things from Emma," Zoey said, ringing Paul up as he handed her change and slipped in a tip when she turned her back.

"Spare me, please," Paul said.

"Alright," Zoey smiled. She brought up Bill and Paul's orders. Bill generally liked to stay at Beanie's and walk home in order to clear his mind and get exercise after staying in an office all day. Paul sat across from Bill while he waited for Emma who said she only needed about a minute more.

"You're going to tell me what's happening with Emma right now," Bill said.

"A drunken mistake," Paul said, not at all wanting to expand.

"You don't drink except on Fridays and Saturdays," Bill said, "I know it's something more."

"We're trying to figure it out," Paul said as Emma approached.

"Hi, Bill. Paul, you ready?" She asked, her backpack full since she was also a part-time student.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Bill," Paul said, taking a sip of his coffee as he and Emma left. When they were safe in his car, Paul kissed Emma. "How was work?"

"It was normal, per the usual. Pretty boring. And school's not that bad. I have all my credits but biology professor wants to make it on Broadway, so he leaves us readings we do worksheets on and that takes an hour max. And I do it when I'd be in class," Emma said, "Your day?"

"After reading a note on my morning coffee, I worked ridiculously fast in order to be able to make the time," Paul said, turning on his street and parking in the driveway.

"Thank you," Emma said, following Paul into his house. He motioned for Emma to put her things down.

"Make yourself at home," he said, turning on the lights and whatnot. Emma smiled and locked the door, noticing Paul hadn't done that. "Thanks."

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