~Coffee & Breakup~

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 "Thanks again for dinner, guys," Paul said as they walked outside.

"Anytime for my son—Holly's nephew— and his special lady. Emma, you're amazing," Eve said, hugging the couple affectionately.

"Oh, thank you," Emma said as each couple parted ways. Paul and Emma went into Paul's car.

"So what did you think, Em?" Paul asked, locking the doors and turning the engine on.

"I like them. You were raised by amazing women, Paul," Emma said.

"They really liked you, Em," Paul said, reversing out of the parking lot. He exited. "Mine or yours?"

"Can we do yours?" Emma asked.

"Of course," he responded, heading on the route, "Why would I say no?"

"Hey, I have no clue. Like after Hell week, I stay a little isolated for half a week," she said, "I don't know, maybe it's past trauma."

"That makes sense," Paul said, reaching for Emma's hand, which she gave to him. He gave it a quick squeeze. "It's valid, Em."

"Paul, that's the shit your therapist tells you," Emma said, laughing softly, "I cope with my trauma through humor, I'm so sorry about that and don't say that I shouldn't apologize."

"You know me too well, Em," Paul said as he pulled up to his house. The lights in the driveway were on (since they were programmed to do so) and the lights leading to the front door weren't on. "Fuck, the lights burnt through again?"

"I hate it when that happens," Emma said, turning on her flashlight so Paul could find his way to the door and unlocked it.

"Thanks," Paul said as he fumbled with the light switches, "You know the routine or whatnot, I'm just gonna check on Al. Sometimes her girlfriend gets too stoned and no one wants to be stranded at Hatchetfield High."

"What about the other stoned people?" Emma asked.

"Oh they don't mind. Al is safe, and doesn't feel safe going home if Deb is driving," Paul said, calling Alice.

"I was about to call you," Alice said.

"What's up, Al?" Paul asked, his hand on the doorknob, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I stayed late at school and didn't know smoke club met tonight. I don't smell like pot, but I really want to get home," Alice said, "Can you pick me up?"

"Of course, I'll be right over. Do you want to stay with me or your dad?" Paul asked, looking towards Emma. She nodded in understanding.

"With Dad is fine. Thank you so much," Alice said.

"Anytime. I'll call you when I'm there," Paul said, hanging up, "I'm gonna go pick up Al, are you cool staying alone for like half an hour?"

"Yeah," Emma said, quickly kissing Paul and locking the door behind him as he left.

When Paul arrived to Hatchetfield High, he found Alice waiting by the front. She recognized him and ran over. Upon Alice entering, Paul immediately knew something was up. "You don't have to talk about it or tell me, but I'm here if you need to listen," he said, starting on the drive.

"It's fine. Dad'll be happy," Alice said with a small sniffle. Paul pulled over.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He asked, looking Alice square in her tear-filled green eyes.

"Deb dumped me," Alice said.

"Fuck no. I'm going over," Paul said, putting the car in reverse and putting his foot on the gas.

"No, it's fine. I got it worked out," Alice said with a small smile at Paul's reaction.


"Dad made me take a shit ton of self defense classes. And it was pre-smoke club so she can numb any pain away," Alice said.

"Damn! Are you going to tell Bill?" Paul asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I just had to tell someone," Alice said as Paul turned on her residential street.

"Ok. I love you, Al," Paul said.

"Thank you. I love you, too, Uncle Paul," Alice said, leaving. Paul made sure she entered before he headed back home. Emma was on the couch, scrolling on her phone.

"How was it?" Emma asked as Paul washed his hands.

"If I tell you, you're not allowed to even so much as loosely reference it," Paul said, "Especially not to anyone at Beanie's. This stays between us."

"What is it?" Emma asked.

"Deb dumped Alice," he finally said.

"Fuck no! Can I go beat her up?" Emma asked.

"I already asked and Alice did it, just as I knew she would," Paul smiled.

"I love her," Emma said

"Yeah, me too," Paul added, "She's like a daughter or even younger sister to me."

"She's so lucky to have someone like you. A safe space when she doesn't want to tell her dad," Emma said.

"I just hope that Bill doesn't have her bounce back right away. Especially not to Grace," Paul said.



"Hell no, Alice deserves better. Grace is a nerdy prude and I just know that she'll shame Al for being gay and having smoked," Emma said.

"I was anti Grace because I thought she was straight. She is, right?" Paul asked.

"Where'd you get that idea? Just because she goes to church?" Emma asked, laughing. She took a deep breath to compose herself. "Name two straight people you've met in Hatchetfield."

Paul took the challenge. "Sam Sweetly. Charlotte's husband," he said.

"That's one person."

"Isn't Grace a chemist?"

"No! She was born and bred in Hatchetfield. See, you can't," Emma said, "Grace is not straight. Neither is anyone. Sam is an exception."

"All I know is Alice is lesbian, Bill told me he's demisexual, and Zoey is bi," Paul said, "Ted's probably straight."

"No, he's gay," Emma said.

"How do you know that?" Paul asked, "I've only ever seen him with women."

"Paul, you don't see this because he's a sleaze ball, but have you seen the way he stares at your ass?" Emma asked.

"You just said I don't see it," Paul responded.

"He's in love with you, Paul," Emma said.


"Yeah. It's disgusting. He just has to deal with a ton of homophobia that's built up his entire life. Once that's fixed, he'll be out."

"Still does't mean all of Hatchetfield isn't straight with the exception of Sam," Paul said.

"Alright, just to name a few more. Nora- aro and ace. Kelly—ace. HFPD officer Doug—nonbinary. Becky Barnes—pansexual. Tom Houston—bisexual with a male preference, meaning he really loves Becky. He's a simp. He loves Becky the way he loved Jane. Lex Foster and Ethan Green are also bisexual. Linda, lesbian in denial. Pamela foster—ace. And all of this is off of the top of my head," Emma said, "Also, I'm bi. Figured you'd want to know."

"Me too," Paul said quietly. That was the first time he'd come out to anyone.

"Hell yeah!" Emma exclaimed, holding out a hand for a hi-five, which Paul eagerly accepted.

Lots of headcanons here for y'all to either agree with or fight about. Pick your poison

--Luna :D

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