~Coffee & Family~

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 "And, yeah. After that day-long mental breakdown, she somehow remembered where my house was and just showed up. The rest is history," Paul said, ending his story. He had ten minutes until he was going to drive Alice to Hatchetfield High.

"Uncle Paul," Alice said, "That is wild."

"Damn right it is," he said, "But since then, we did have a night where we talked about our pasts. She talked about her sister and parents. I told her about Aunt Holly and Eve. She told me Eve looked like Becky Barnes."

"She does!" Alice exclaimed, knowing exactly who Paul was talking about. They shared a smile. "Also, Becky Barnes looks like Miss Holloway. You know her, right?"

"Yeah. Shortly after my mom died and Eve told me about my absent dad, I really struggled. Since they know everyone, they brought Miss Holloway to help me through that time. She helped me through my nightmare time," Paul explained, "How do you know her?"

"I met her once. I've been coming to Beanie's. Zoey told me about her nightmare time and her powers. Miss Holloway was there that day," Alice said.

"Wait, go back. What sort of powers does Zoey have?" Paul asked. He knew a lot of people in Hatchetfield had powers. He just didn't expect it from Zoey.

"She can travel to and from the Black and White at will," Alice said in awe, "Her nightmare time trauma really did things to her."

"I think I know how," Paul said, gesturing for Alice to buckle her seatbelt. He was going to get her to school.

"Do you want to explain it?" Alice asked. She didn't want to press too far on Paul's trauma.

"Not really. But have you noticed that a lot of people in Hatchefield look alike?" Paul asked. Alice nodded.

"Yes! It's so weird. Like, Emma and Linda Monroe have the same face. I noticed that I look a lot like Zoey, Melissa, and that one Greenpeace™ girl," Alice said, "You look a little bit like Gary Goldstein. Also, Ted looks like the Homeless Man. It's so weird."

"Well, that's Hatchetfield. Also, Hannah Foster and Tim Houston have the exact same face," Paul said.

"That's true! Ethan Green is the spitting image of his father. He also looks like that annoying kid in Beanie's that only gets hot chocolate," she said, "His name is like Philip, right?"

"Peter. Ted's little brother," Paul said.

"Ah, yes. I've heard his stories and you don't want to know," Alice said thoughtfully.

"I swear, Hatchetfield feels like a fever dream," Paul said. He pulled up to the front of Hatchetfield High.

"True. Thanks for the ride, Uncle Paul," Alice said.

"Stay safe, Al," Paul responded, watching her until she became another student in the flood. He drove back to work and parked. After that, he went to Beanie's where he found Emma, his coffee ready.

"Long time no see," Emma joked as Paul handed over the exact change. He snuck some money into the tip jar.

"I almost forgot what you looked like. Emily, was it?" Paul joked in response.

"Paul, that one's low. We both know I'm hot. You don't just forget that," Emma said, laughing.

"Damn right I don't. Well, I need to get to work, but I'll see you after," Paul said. Emma nodded in response.

Paul got a text from Eve that day. Paul we're in town for a 24-hour layover on the way to Canada. Are you available to eat dinner with us and catch up? He smiled down at his phone and spent some time composing messages back to Eve and another to Emma. As though Eve knew exactly what was happening, she sent another message. Also, on the chance that you aren't single, bring your special lady. Or man. I don't care about the gender identity. But let me know ASAP.

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