First day seems innocent.

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Dulquers pov

"Took a while to arrive here." A woman's voice sighed. Her tone sounded.. like she was bored? just a guess.

Also, hello, names Dulquer. I'm going to some camping trip with some people I barely even know for some reason, don't know why but.. oh well. It is what it is, I guess. It's.. pretty windy outside, too.

Another voice spoke. This time, it was a males voice. "We had to walk because that van broke down and stuff."

The woman replied, "I'm pretty sure we know that, sherlock."

"Whatever, Sylvie."

"Whatever you, rahzi." She said in a rude-ish tone.

It was pretty late. Well, not that late. We arrived at camping after a while. Jeez, walking for like.. a couple hours?? Just to go camping?? Well, that sucks after a stupid van broke down.

Not the point right now. The thing is that we're pretty hyped up for this camping trip. Some have been to a camping trip, others didn't. There were trees, a lot of trees from what I see. And.. there's like some guide sign thing. It just shows us where the places are, whatsoever.

"cave-" I tried to read it clearly from a bit far away. well, crap, got interuppted.

"Uh, so like.. you guys wanna explore while we wait for the sun to finally fall?" A girl asked.

"...we aren't here just to not explore and have fun, right?" A woman blinked.

"..right, lyra."

"Let's just go explore, Sarah."

I heard and watched as others placed their backpacks outside of some.. blue tent. all I did was hold my backpack, I kept it on me just in case.

I didn't think much of that and went to go explore for a moment. Nothing special, only trees everywhere, and that's all. I suddenly notice like.. whatever it's called, some tall-ish stone thing with a ladder on it. I can't describe it, sorry.

I kept walking.. and walking.. well, I wasn't that far. I can still see the camping logs and stuff, well.. if you know what I mean. haha.

I stepped on something, and I almost TRIPPED over it. How embarrassing.

I looked down to see what I almost slipped on, and guess what?? A flashlight. A damn flashlight. Ah, how nice.

Wait, a flashlight here?? Out of nowhere, too. If I'm being honest right now, i felt my skin crawling a little, and I feel like it's a bit suspicious. Agh, who cares?

I hesitated to pick it up for a bit. The flashlight was black and had a bit of battery.
I mean.. I already have a flashlight, I'll just use this small one first before I'll use my second when the place gets darker. Speaking of.. "Place gets darker", the sun is falling down a bit quicker than it was before.

Maybe I should just go back.

I turned around and rushed back to the camping place, where a few people were at.
My backpack is NOISY, might have to place it down like everyone did. Every time I walk, it's annoying to me that my backpack makes a lot of noise for some reason. Gosh, I put too many things in there, didn't I?

I finally arrived back, saw a couple still exploring. I placed my backpack down where they put it.

The small flashlight was in my pocket, by the way.

"Hey," a males voice called me. It was unexpected, but I turned around to see. "You alright there??"

Random, but I answered with a "Yeah, why?"

".. I saw you almost tripping over something."

".....we don't talk about that. but thanks for asking, uhh.. someone." I have no idea who he is since I haven't heard or met him before.

"I have a name, you absolute dingus. It's Alex, if you're wondering."

"Names dulquer." I replied. Alex, neat name.

"Interesting." Is what he said, nothing else. Thats.. all.

I noticed that the sun was almost fully down, and most others were coming back. That's a bit strange. it shouldn't be that late quickly. Oh well, time flies by, I mean..

A couple of minutes later, it became nighttime. Well, it was kind of difficult to see, but we're good, swear.

" like." Lyras voice, I think. She had a flashlight on, thank goodness. "You guys good??"

I have no idea why, but everyone made the silence go awkward, except for her. "Yeah, uh, shouldn't we start a fire so we don't waste our batter-"

Lyra cuts me off. "Most of us know." She told a step back, ONE step back.


" hell no." Lyra looked down. "..are you joking?? a big-ass stick??" She crouched down and grabbed it. It looked like it was snapped in half, well.. just a guess.

Sylvie had an idea. "yeaahh, uhh, are we able to like start a fire with those??"

"I mean, I could try. It is possible." Lyra responded as she walked to the campfire. She crouched down, and tried to start a fire by like.. er, one stick on top of the other stick, and just swipe up, however you.. describe it.

"Agh, for fucks sake!" It took some moment, she struggled a bit.

Another guy spoke up. "You alright there?? Maybe use a lighter-" I looked at hendrik.

"You absolute dingus.." I sighed, what a dumbass.

"I'm pretty sure using a flammable fuel is going to make things go shitty and stuff."

"my bad, rahzi."

"shut the fuck up hendrik." From what I heard from others, this guy named Rahzi is like.. rude and all that.

"Got it!" I turned to lyra. The fire, it was up. Finally.. I was beginning to get tired of waiting.

Another lady, she let out a breath. "Took a while.."

"Campings tough, things take a while in camping, too, anabelle.."

I sat down in front of it, weeelll, most people did actually. A few people stayed standing.


"hey, we should totally talk about pokemon!" Sylvie randomly said out of nowhere.

A female, she was next to her was like "..relatable!" She sounded like she had no idea what else to say, but just relatable.

" 'ya good, ivy??"

"yeah, why?'

"Just checkin'."

Few hours passed, some people were beginning to get sleepy.

"Hey guys," Hendrik yawned. "is it me, or am I getting tired??"

"Nobody gives a shit- I mean." Rahzi shook his head. "Sorry, slipped out, I'm getting sleepy too."

I also said something similar. "yeeaahh, I'm gonna go to this tent. im getting tired each minute." I got up and was about to go to a red tent, but I suddenly was stopped by a males voice who called out something. It caught everyone's attention.

"Uh, hey guys..?" The males tone was nervous, and he seemed really scared. He noticed something that was above the campfire.

Sylvie looked at him, "Are you ok, Leon?" She questioned, a bit curious. "What are you lookin' at anyway??"

I looked at what he was looking at.



I hate this - GentleImababy

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