Chapter 4

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On a day that seemed no different from any other, Meen approached her friend Chloe, her concern palpable as she noticed Chloe's unfocused gaze and the strain tugging at the edges of her forced smile.

"Chloe, you're zoning out again," Meen began, her voice laced with worry. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Ya ya, don't worry," Chloe responded with an effort at reassurance, but the lack of conviction in her voice failed to mask her apparent stress.

Their exchange was suddenly interrupted by the sneer of a classmate known for stirring trouble-Little Shit. "Wow, isn't this the idol that has been trending lately?" she remarked sarcastically, attempting to draw Meen's attention.

Meen tried to suppress her rising irritation and chose to ignore the comment. Little Shit, however, persisted, tilting her head with a mocking innocence. "Why too famous to talk to your friends now?" she asked, her words dripping with insincerity.

The tension thickened as Meen sharply replied, "I'm not your friend."

Undeterred, Little Shit played her hand, insinuating that Meen's popularity was a mere byproduct of her association with more well-known students like Ash and Chloe. "You are only popular because of Ash and Chloe," she taunted.

A flush of confusion and disbelief hit Meen hard. "What do you mean?" she demanded, her voice rising with defensiveness.

"You don't see it? You're popular only because of your friends," Little Shit continued, doubling down as she pushed Chloe's Facebook posts into Meen's view, evidence of her claims.


*Chloe - please support my friend. 💗 #Meen link to video* 61k views

*Chloe - please make sure you watch my friend please. 🥰🤩 link to video* 52.7k views

Meen -[Surprised] [Confused] Chloe why did you do that?

Chloe - I didn't mean to, I just I,.....

The confrontation had now drawn the attention of nearby students, creating a stir of whispers and anticipation. Torn between defending her own merit and assessing the truth in Little Shit's taunt, Meen was cornered, her emotions a mix of fury and a sobering hit of realization.

As the situation in the schoolyard spiraled out of control, Chloe was quick to interject and defend her actions, her voice tinged with distress. "I didn't mean to, I just wanted to share your stuff because I think you're amazing," she explained, feeling the weight of misunderstanding crush her intentions.

But the damage was done; Little Shit's words had already burrowed into Meen's convictions, biting at her sense of self-worth. "I get it, that's what your girlfriend is good for right? To leech off of her like a parasite," Little Shit sneered, the venom in her voice dripping with malice. "How much has she wired you?"

The accusation struck Meen like a slap to the face. Her blood boiled with a fury that could no longer be contained, her vision narrowed to the sneering face before her. "You little..." Meen's expletive was cut short as she launched herself at Little Shit, her hands tangled in a vice grip in her antagonist's hair.

Chloe's pleas for restraint were drowned out by the frenzy. "Meen! Stop, stop, stop!" she begged, but Meen was already blinded by wrath, her fists relentlessly seeking contact.

The commotion was palpable, students scrambling away while others encircled the scene, their cries and gasps forming a chaotic symphony. As the fight escalated, a math teacher appeared, slicing through the crowd with an authority born of urgent concern.

"What's going on here? That is enough!" the teacher commanded, his voice cutting through the uproar. With his intervention, the two girls were pried apart, heavy breaths and the buzz of adrenaline hanging thick in the air. The command was firm and brooked no argument: "To the principal's office, both of you. Now."

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