Chapter 9

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Yoon: Hey, are you sure you're going to be okay?

Meen: [Gives a small, reassuring smile] Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't sweat it, okay?

Yoon: Alright, just making sure. I'll swing by to pick you up after school. And hey, about those clips-don't stress, I'll handle it. I'll get rid of them.

Meen: It's not that simple, Yoon. Once something is out there, it's nearly impossible to erase it completely.

Yoon: [Gives Meen a warm, supportive hug] I know it's tough, but try not to let social media get to you too much. It's not the real world.

Meen: [Manages a grateful smile] Thanks for being here, Yoon.

Yoon: [Smiling back] Don't mention it. Just remember, sometimes you've got to learn to just brush things off.

Meen: I'll try. See you later, Yoon.


Given the recent events, Meen's mind was already a battleground of embarrassment and anxiety.

"Seen the clip?" (She yelled so Meen could hear her). What's the hashtag that's trendy right now? Isn't it the one that involves a person whose name starts with M?

"M? M? M?'

"Oh, I remember".

"Meen is itchy". She laughed out loudly

"Don't you not wash it Meen?"

"I think I smell something."

Little Shit taunted, ensuring Meen heard the venom in each word. The hashtag jab was a deliberate twist of the knife, exploiting Meen's private ordeal for public amusement.

Laughing cruelly, Little Shit threw out a taunt that was crass and intrusive, a direct hit on Meen's dignity. It was one thing to be the talk of strangers on a bus, quite another to be ridiculed by a peer. This was too much for Meen, who felt cornered and attacked.

"What's your problem? You want to fight. Let's go then." The edge in Meen's voice was unmistakable, and before she fully comprehended her own actions, she had grabbed Little Shit by the hair. A part of her that she didn't recognize took over-raw anger driving her fist straight to the jaw.

Chloe, witnessing the escalation, reacted quickly. "Meen, Meen Stop, Let's go." She stepped in, attempting to pull her friend away from the situation before it spiraled further out of control.

Little shit Do you use your girlfriend to scratch that itch too?.

Little Shit remained defiant, resorting once more to the taunting chant, "Meen is itchy. Meen is itchy." Her words were designed to burrow into Meen's insecurities, and they did their job effectively.

It was then that Jessica's glare cut through the commotion. The sharp look from someone with authority was a clear signal-Little Shit had crossed a line. Fearful of the consequences, Little Shit ceased her chanting and adopted an apologetic stance. "Sorry, ma'am!" she exclaimed, the bravado instantly dissipating as she capitulated to the silent but potent reprimand.

The scene sizzled with tension as Meen struggled to regain her self-control. Chloe's presence offered a semblance of support, and the silent but forceful intervention by Jessica helped dissipate the immediate threat. But the damage was done; the situation had escalated beyond a passing humiliation, and now Meen had to deal with the implications of her public meltdown and the physical altercation that followed.

Let go of me, Meen forcefully pulled her hand off of Chloe.


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