Chapter 7

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Dance Teacher: [Frustrated] Where’s your focus, Mina? Where’s the stamina I know you have? If this is the best you can manage, the competition will walk all over us. I’ve watched the rival team practice — they’re strong, they’re synchronized. They have someone like Meen who's setting the bar high. Can't you try to match her dedication? Remember, the judges aren't just looking at individual talent; this is about how well we perform as a team. One weak performance could bring us all down, and not even Meen's solo can compensate if the team's overall score plummets. We can't afford to lose points on this.

The pressure of the impending school dance championship hangs heavy in the room, apparent in the dance teacher’s heightened stress levels. Mina's inability or unwillingness to adhere to the core routines is clearly a source of angst.

Dance Teacher: [Sighing] Enough for today. Meen, would you mind taking Mina with you and perhaps run through some of the steps? I think a bit of one-on-one might do her some good.

Meen: [Cheerfully] Ok. Ms

Meen turns to Mina with the same warmth, eager to extend a helping hand.

Meen: [Smiling] Hey, Mina, why don't you come to my place? Our teacher thought it might help if I showed you a few things.

Mina, reacts defensively.

Mina: I don't need your help, said as hse gave meen a dirty look.


Malroy - With graduation just around the corner, I've taken the liberty of selecting a school for your next steps.

He slides an application across the table to Chloe.

Malroy - I'm also house hunting in England. After you finish school, there'll be a place there for you to call home.

Chloe - [Nervously] This is all happening rather quickly, don't you think?

Malroy - [With forced enthusiasm, masking impatience] You're going to love it, Chloe. Frankly, it could move quicker for my liking. My campaign for reelection is consuming most of my time. We must plan ahead. I've arranged for employment opportunities post-graduation. Everything is set. You just need to stick to the plan, understood? No room for errors this time.

Chloe - [Subdued] Yes, Mom.

Malroy - [Sternly] And Chloe, I expect no setbacks. Do I make myself clear?

Chloe - Yes, Mother.


The bathroom door closed with a loud bang.

Chloe started ripping and ripping the Application and dumped it in to the trash.

She didn't want to go to the UK. She wanted to stay here. "This is ridiculous," she thought.

She once again fell crying on the bathroom floor. She had enough. She took out the broken blade that she hid under the soap container and started cutting herself.


Ash was heavily in his sleep. He looked wrecked almost as if he had been rolled around like a tumbleweed.

New message, new message, new message.

The buzzing notification sound woke Ash up. Ash hates it when he is awakened from a deep sleep. It makes him cranky and angry.

[Ash Gorned] what is it now?

Unknown number - Img file
Unknown number - Img File
Unknown number - New message

*Unlocks Phone. Still half asleep

:- Nude Image of Ash
:- Nude Image of Ash
:- I helped myself when you were in the ICT lab, How cute.

Ash wasn't half asleep no more.

Ash - What are you doing?

Unknown - Isn't it obvious I am trying to blackmail you, you idiot?. Why do you want this picture to be leaked? Why you want them to be leaked. I didn't know you were special like that.

Ash - What do you want, Delete these pictures right now. This is exploration. I'm calling the police.

Unknown - You think calling the cops is going to stop me from leaking these pictures? Don't worry I have many more, many many more. I am sure all the students would love to jerk off to you.

From now on if you don't want these pictures outed. You better do what I say, or else the next headline will be "Child porn star goes viral".

Ash has never been in a situation like this. A situation where he's so vulnerable. The situation where he's a slave. There's nothing he could do than bid to their will.

A sense of panic is palpable as Ash frantically attempts to reach out to his friends. The dread of personal photos potentially being exposed has him spiraling into despair.

**Group Call Initiated to Chloe + Meen**

**[Waiting for Users to Connect...]**

**No Users Online**

Ash’s fingers fumble in desperation as he continues to plead for a response.

Please, I'm begging you. Pick up. I don’t know what to do if these pics get out. My life will be ruined.

Seconds feel like hours as she waits, the read receipts showing her messages have been seen but not immediately addressed.

Finally, a message from Meen pops up on the screen.

Meen (texting): Hey, I'm swamped right now. Can we talk later?

Ash feels the crushing weight of isolation as the support he desperately seeks is unavailable. He's left to grapple with her mounting anxiety, his plea for help momentarily unheeded.


The demon, with an unnaturally wide grin and a twinkle in his dark eyes, leans over the counter towards a new customer who's just walked through the door of the peculiar little store nestled in a dark alleyway.

Demon - Welcome to 'Gifts for Someone You Hate,' where petty vengeance finds a wrapping bow. I'm the proprietor of this little establishment. What might you be in the market for today?

Customer - [Looking around, slightly perplexed] I stumbled upon this place by chance. What is it that you sell exactly? Old artifacts?

Demon - [His grin widening] Oh, far from it. Our merchandise is unique, meticulously curated to cater to... let's say, less-than-affectionate sentiments. Allow me to demonstrate.

He plucks an object from a high shelf, a sleek black umbrella, handling it with a care that seems almost reverential.

Demon - This particular item here is a level 4. At first glance, it's merely an umbrella, a shield against the rain's assault. Yet, observe this feature.

He points to the very tip, which upon closer inspection, is not so ordinary after all.

Demon - Ingeniously designed to function as a lightning rod. A nemesis to the holder, should they dare to open it amidst the wrath of a storm, it invites a bolt from the blue. [He chuckles, a sound that seems rather too delighted for the grim nature of the product] The rest, I trust, requires no explanation.

The customer takes a step back, realizing that they've wandered into a shop unlike any other, where the merchandise is as wicked as the intentions behind them.

A Gift To the People You Love to hateWhere stories live. Discover now