Chapter 8

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The conversation with the unknown individual was taking a disturbing turn. Ash felt fear pulse through his veins, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead as he read the chilling messages.

Unknown: I'll send you a present. I want you to make a video using it and send it to me.

Ash: [Typing hesitantly, his fingers trembling] What kind of present?

There was a brief pause before the response came through, compounding Ash's anxiety.

Unknown: It doesn't matter. You have to use it and send me a 10+ minute Video. Share your location, Share it now! So I can send it.

Feeling cornered and vulnerable, Ash felt a wave of nausea wash over him as the demand for his location arrived. A feeling of dread gnawed at him from the inside out. "Who could be behind this? What do they want from me?" The questions whirled around his mind as he struggled to find a way out of the situation.

That night, sleep was a stranger. Ash tossed and turned, every attempt to find solace in slumber shattered by the recurring images of the photos that hung over his head like a sword of Damocles. Each time he closed his eyes, the scene replayed itself, a nightmarish loop that fed his fear and kept rest at bay.

With morning came no reprieve, only the haunting realization that this was a waking nightmare from which he could not simply emerge by opening his eyes.


Fin gave Meen a friendly nod. "Alright, man. See you later, then."

Meen watched as Fin gathered his things and left the dance studio with the rest of the class. Once everyone had filed out and the echoes of their laughter faded away. Meen let out a silent sigh She remembered how Chloe would wait foe her. Sje was stuck in this cycle of wanting to bridge the gap between them but not knowing how to dismantle the walls she'd unintentionally built.

Inside the dimly lit bathroom, Meen splashed cold water on her face and looked up at his reflection in the mirror. She knew he couldn't keep going on like this, always avoiding the issue, always pretending that everything was alright.
As the water droplets slid down her cheeks, she couldn't help but wonder when he'd finally find the courage to address the growing distance between them. With a deep breath, she dried off het face and headed for the exit, promising herself that tomorrow would be different.


Meens' Pov

It was the evening when people were going home the busses were fully packed. 'These pants are a bit tight today have I grown?'

She got on the bus. luckily she got to sit.

Oh god, these pants are sticking to my body. It was itching so bad, her legs started to twitch it got unbearable itchy her crotch length and thighs started to it so bad.

"No no no don't scratch here. No no no."

The itch was getting worse. She tried to cover her crotch area with her bag and slowly and secretly slipped her hand inside her pants and started to scratch.

Radom Man - Hey, look at that. (He pointed at Meen)

A woman - Get the phone. She's scratching her privates.

[The man started to film]

People started to whisper

More People started to record.

Meen suddenly snapped out of it.

As Meen desperately pressed the stop button, her mind was racing with anxiety. This was her worst nightmare. Why did the itch have to become unbearable right in the middle of a crowded bus ?. The bus couldn't stop quickly enough. She felt like everyone was staring, judging, misunderstanding the situation. Her heart was pounding so hard, she could almost hear it. The whispers felt like shouts, and the shame was overwhelming. She didn't even know where she was exactly or how far she was from home. None of that mattered now; she just needed to escape the situation.

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