Chapter 6

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Ash - Please please help me!

Unknown - What do you need? are you okay?

Ash - I can't breathe It is so hot

Someone takes off Ash's shirt

Unknown - Is it better now?

Ash - No please please help me, please

Thats the last he remembers as he saw darkness creeping in his eyes. He fainted.


Ash struggles to piece together his memories before losing consciousness, trying to understand where he is and what happened to him.

Ash: Where am I? What happened to me?

Mr. Yohan, presumably a school nurse or a medical professional given the context, tries to reassure Ash.

Mr. Yohan: You're okay now, Ash. You just fainted due to heat exhaustion and high blood pressure.

Ash: [Confused] But I wasn't stressed.

Yohan: Your blood pressure was very high when Mr. Alex brought you here. It could have been heat-related stress or another medical issue.

Ash is struggling to recall the events and the people involved.

Ash: Alex?

Yohan: You don't remember? He was the one who helped you. He carried you all the way to my office.

As Ash's memory jogs, he bolts up with an urgency driven by responsibility.

Ash: I have to meet him. I have to ask him about the project.

However, his movements are swiftly and carefully restrained by the presence of a nurse, who is ensuring his safety.

Nurse: Woah, slow down there. Lay back down, Ash. You need to rest.

Yohan: He told me you don't have to worry about the project. You should take a day off from school and get some rest. Is there anyone we can contact to take care of you?

Ash insists on his independence, though it is clear he still needs assistance.

Ash: No, no, I don't need anyone.

Yohan is concerned about Ash's wellbeing and insists he should not be alone.

Yohan: How are you planning to get home, then?

Ash: I can go by myself.

Yohan: [Concerned] No, you can't. You've been through an ordeal and are still in a vulnerable state. Do you have friends at school who can help, or perhaps someone else you trust?

Ash, beginning to realize he might not be able to manage on his own, references the last person he remembers from before he fainted.

Ash: I trust Mr. Alex and he knows where I live.

Yohan is prepared to facilitate their reunion, recognizing the importance of Alex's role in Ash’s current situation.

Yohan: Okay then. Let me check if Alex is still around. He did say to call him if anything went wrong.

Ash, now a bit more stable, remembers his personal needs.

Ash: May I use the restroom before I go?

Yohan responds with care, cognizant of Ash’s need for privacy but also his recent medical event.

Yohan: Of course. The restroom is right over there. Do you think you can walk on your own, or do you need some assistance?

Ash, eager to maintain some level of autonomy, insists he will be fine but is nonetheless observed by the nurse as he makes his way to the restroom, ensuring that he doesn't experience any further distress. Yohan takes this moment to reach out to Alex and ask if he can return to escort Ash safely home.


Alex - Where is he?

Yohan - Oh, he just went to the washroom.  I'm going home then. Make sure to give him this one packet of medication. Tell him to use this before he goes to sleep.

Alex - Wait, I forgot something. Tell him to wait for me On the outside bench. I have to make a quick errand.


Alex - Ash Here you want a ride?

Ash - Yes Sir

Alex handed him three packets of medicine.

Alex - The nurse wanted you to take these as quickly as possible.

After drinking these medicines it didn't get better it got worse.

Ash - Sir sir, I'm not feeling well again I feel dizzy.

Alex - Come quickly and get into the car
Quickly rest your head on the seat. It will help you.

The car starts moving.

Ash -  Sir, sir, please help. It hurts.

Alex - It's only for a while ok once you get home and get some rest you will feel as good as new.


Alex - This is the road to your home right? Let me carry you there. Alex put one of Ash's arms over his neck and carefully walked him into the house.

Alex - Ash, I need the key!

Ash - The keys under the...

Alex - Under where? Ash fainted again...


The door opens, and Meen stands there, barely containing her frustration as she addresses the individual known as Demon, who had clearly failed to fulfill a promise.

Meen: [Angry] Cut to the chase, Demon. You told me she would get her gift on her birthday. It was all supposed to be perfect, the place, the date, the time... and you ruined it.

Demon, calm despite Meen's obvious anger, attempts to explain the situation without much concern for the upset they have caused.

Demon: Easy, take it easy. It did happen, just not for her.

Meen is confused and her frustration intensifies as she tries to grasp what Demon is implying.

Meen: What do you mean "not for her"? Did someone else get the gift? I knew this was a scam right from the start.

Demon tries to seem accommodating despite the failed service, assuming a refund might diffuse the situation.

Demon: Look, don’t worry. I can give you a refund for the mix-up.

Meen's trust, however, is already broken. She's not interested in any further dealings or excuses from Demon.

Meen: I don’t want any more of your bullshit.

With that, Meen storms out the door, leaving the disreputable Demon behind. Her trust evidently betrayed, the chances of her using or recommending his services plainly nullified by the botched delivery. Her exit is swift and decisive, a clear sign that she wants nothing more to do with Demon's unreliable business practices..


Alex managed to put Ash on the bed after getting into the house

Alex's Pov

He's so ______ Isn't he? Oh how _____ _____ _ ____ to ______  ___.  _ ____ to ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ___.

Also, Alex's dream was to have a young Bride. He will achieve it one way or another.

A Gift To the People You Love to hateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant