Chapter 10

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News reports of Hero TV have gathered around, Election Day is drawing near. Reporter Bella gathered her notes, ready to cover the speech by a major party leader, while Malroy, Hero TV's owner, sat beside her. They both understood the stakes were high—Malroy had been financially backing this politician, and Bella's reporting had to reflect well on the network's investment.

The camera's red light blinked on, signaling the start of the live broadcast. Bella counted down silently with the studio crew — and at "3," she was on air.

"Bella from Hero TV here, live with the leader of [Politician Party A], symbolized by the lotus—Malroy Higgins. Ms. Higgins, thank you for joining us."

"Thank you for having me, Bella," Malroy responded with a practiced smile.

"Let's begin with the economy. If you become president, what will be your first step to improve the situation?"

"As president, my first action will be to thank the electorate for their trust," Malroy answered. "I pledge to institute an era of prosperity and fairness, bridging the divide between the haves and have-nots. The wealthy will no longer exploit the poor without consequences. Fair opportunities will be for all, under my leadership."

Bella moved on to her second question, catching Malroy slightly off guard. "There are rumors about your personal life that we'd like to address. Specifically, claims of neglect towards your second child. Can you speak to that?"

Malroy recomposed himself quickly. "Absolutely not, I treasure both of my children. Since my husband passed, they've been my rock. While it's true my second child lives with my parents, it's because of my demanding schedule. I want my child to grow within a loving environment, which my parents provide. I visit regularly, and my child enjoys being with his grandparents. They care for him exceptionally well."

"Your relationship with the opposition is known to be contentious. Could you describe that dynamic?"

"Let's not sugarcoat it—I'm in direct competition with Mr. Sangha of the opposition. We certainly have our differences, and dislike is mutual. However, I'm a proponent of civility and progress, not letting personal feelings obstruct the potential for prosperity and peace within our nation."

Fourth Question....


her producer signaled it was time to wrap up. The clock read 10:30 AM. "Thank you, Mr. Higgins, for your candid responses. That's all the time we have for now. Stay with Hero TV for continued coverage of election updates."

As the live feed ended, Bella and Malroy glanced at each other, a silent acknowledgment of a job done under the pressing eye of political and financial ties. It was 10:30, lunchtime.

Bella, the newcomer at Hero TV, had successfully completed her segment with the politician Malroy Higgins. Eager to take a moment to herself, she slipped away to a quiet bench to enjoy the ham sandwich Victor, her caring friend, had made for her. As she sat there, immersed in her thoughts, she was oblivious to the curious glances she caught from some of the crew members.

"Hey, is that the newbie?" Emily, a seasoned staff member, whispered to Ginger, her colleague.

Ginger nodded, a friendly smile lighting up her face. "Yeah, she's eating alone. Let's invite her over. She seems left out."

Emily, with Ginger in tow, approached Bella. The sudden call of her name startled Bella, fueling a quick stir of panic mingled with thoughts of possible dismissal.

"Hey, hey," Emily greeted with a laugh, noticing Bella's alarm. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"

"Sorry, I got startled," Bella stammered, trying to mask her nerves.

"Don't be. Come join us at the table; you look lonely. Let’s get to know each other," Emily invited warmly.

"Is it Bella, right? Good work earlier, newbie," Ginger complimented, giving Bella a reassuring smile.

"Thanks," Bella managed, feeling a little comforted by the kind gestures.

Garry, another colleague, chimed in with a joke. "Thank God Mr. Malroy isn't here today. You were saved by the bell."

Bella's curiosity piqued, and she couldn't help but ask, "Why? Is something wrong with him? You all seem quite...intimidated."

Emily exchanged a knowing look with her colleagues before replying. "If he were here, he would've been way more critical—and loud. Kind of like what happened with Mr. Min. Remember how he was pushed so hard he broke down on live TV?"

Bella's heart skipped a beat. "Isn't that the guy who unalived himself-"

"Yeah, poor guy. We still remember the day he ran out from Mr. Malroy's office crying," Garry confirmed with a somber tone.

Emily sighed as she added, "Malroy can be pretty intense. He doesn’t hold back. Some say if there were ever to be a purge, he’d be the last one standing."

As Bella listened, a shadow of anxiety darkened her mood. It seemed her past, marked by a short-tempered boss, might be echoing in her new job. She had left her previous position to escape that very fear—a fear that now threatened to resurface. It was incredibly unsettling, but Bella resolved to tread carefully, hoping to navigate the complexities of her new environment without crossing paths with the infamous Mr. Malroy's wrath.


Unknown - Good news a new task is available for you.

Ash - What is it? Ash got scared. He hasn't been to school in 2 days and it's messing with him.

Unknown - A little birdy told me that you have a favorite teacher.

Ash - Mr.Alex, what are you going to do to Mr Alex?

Unknown - Don't worry nothing bad will happen you just need to put something in his drink.

Unknown - I will send the pills.

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