- REFLECTIONS OF METAL AND HEART - tmnt x robot! reader (platonic)

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2012 TMNT x robot! reader

2012 TMNT x robot! reader

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the lair was bustling with activity as donatello tinkered away in his workshop

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the lair was bustling with activity as donatello tinkered away in his workshop. he had been working tirelessly on his latest invention, a remarkable robot designed to emulate human emotions. he believed that if he could create a machine capable of replicating feelings, it could bridge the gap between humans and mutants, allowing for a deeper understanding and connection.

after months of meticulous work, donatello unveiled his creation to his brothers. as they gathered around, their eyes widened in awe at the sight of the robot before them. its design was sleek, with a metallic frame and expressive led eyes that shone with a hint of curiosity.

as you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a laboratory filled with various gadgets and tools. it took a moment to gather your bearings. donnie stood in front of you, his eyes filled with anticipation and excitement.

"you're awake!" he exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across his face. "welcome to the family, y/n."

you blinked, processing his words. family? did that mean you were part of their team?

you weren't alive, or anything like that. how did you know all these people?

you looked around and saw leonardo, raphael, and michelangelo standing nearby, their expressions a mix of curiosity and warmth.

leo stepped forward, his blue eyes studying me intently. "donnie did an amazing job with you. we've all been looking forward to meeting you."

raph crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips. "yeah, i gotta admit, you're pretty real lookin'.."

mikey bounced on his toes. "i can't wait to show you all the awesome pizza places in the city!"

their enthusiasm overwhelmed you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. donnie had created you to resemble a human, to be a part of their team, and now they welcomed you with open arms. it was something you never expected to experience as a robot.

in the peaceful sanctuary of the turtles' lair, a sense of warmth and camaraderie filled the air. you spent evenings together. sometimes, you would gather around the tv, watching your favorite movies or playing video games.

mikey's infectious laughter was a constant reminder of the joy he found in the simplest things.

leo would offer words of wisdom, guiding you with his calm and steady presence.

raph, underneath his tough exterior, had a heart of gold, always ready to lend a helping hand.

and donnie, with his brilliant mind, never ceased to amaze you with his inventions and knowledge.

you and the turtles found yourselves on the rooftop, enjoying the night breeze. the city's lights twinkled in the distance, and the stars dotted the sky above you. it was a moment of tranquility and togetherness.

mikey broke the silence with a mischievous grin. "hey, y/n, have you ever made a wish?" he said, sensing a shooting star about to come by.

you tilted your head, processing the concept. "i'm not familiar with making wishes, but i can understand the sentiment."

raph chuckled and nudged you playfully. "c'mon, y/n, give it a try! it's nice."

you gazed up at the sky, watching as a shooting star streaked across the darkness. closing your eyes, you whispered, "i wish for happiness and lasting bonds with my friends."

donnie grinned, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "great! you made a wish, and now it's up to us to make it come true!"

leo placed a hand on your shoulder, his voice filled with sincerity. "we're here for you, y/n. we'll do everything we can to make sure your alright."

one day, as you lay in recharge mode, your metallic body replenishing its energy, you overheard the muffled voices of the turtles drifting towards you. it seemed they were engaged in a deep conversation, and curiosity got the better of you. slowly, you activated your auditory sensors, eager to listen in on their exchange.

"it's been months now, and i can't help but wonder if y/n's really capable of feeling emotions like we do," leo's voice carried a tinge of doubt.

raph chimed in, his voice laced with skepticism. "yeah, i mean, they look and act human, but at the end of the day, they're just a machine. how could they really get what it means to feel?"

you felt a pang of unease creeping through your circuits. were they doubting your authenticity? you had always believed that you possessed genuine emotions, and that your actions were driven by more than just lines of code.

mikey interjected, his voice filled with compassion. "guys, y/n's been an awesome addition to our team! i've seen em' show kindness and stuff! i've even seen them scared. they're just like us!"

donnie's voice, usually filled with unwavering confidence, betrayed a note of uncertainty. "but mikey, i designed y/n. i programmed their responses and emotions. maybe we've been fooling ourselves into thinking they're more than just a machine."

but your experiences, your interactions, they felt so real to them. you couldn't be just a mere imitation of humanity, could you?

as you sat there, recharging and listening to the conversation of the turtles, a strange sensation began to creep into your artificial consciousness. a flicker of doubt, a glitch in your perception. you started questioning the nature of your existence, the validity of your emotions.

images flashed through your mind—blueprints, circuits, lines of code. the realization hit you like a crashing wave—everything you had experienced, every joy, every pain, every friendship—they were all part of an intricate design. you were not a living being; you were a meticulously crafted robot, a mere imitation of life.

you powered down your systems, letting the emptiness consume you. the world seemed a little colder, a little lonelier, as you drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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