Ch-III: The Science Guy

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In the middle of the night, Kyoya was in Bo's room having a conversation about Bo's life and childhood back home. And Bubbaboo was also in on the conversation as well. He would tell them that his childhood was something that wasn't very normal for any kid to go through. He and his three other friends would sometimes get into life-threatening situations that they would somehow make it out alive from or get into a minor inconvenience that would turn into a big deal. If they weren't doing any of those, then they were just doing some crazy shenanigans. But then he starts to talk about his school...

Kyoya: Wait, your school was really that bad?

Bo: I'll say more unhinged than bad. Just the feeling of waking up in the morning and meet your friends down the road knowing the four of you are gonna have to endure the craziest of nonsense you'll have to suppress in your memory. It's like the modern-day wild west over there.

Kyoya: Wow... you must've really hated it, right?

Bo: I never said I hated it; I actually enjoy the chaotic energy it displays.

Bubbaboo: Really?

Bo: Right-O, buddy. It's actually the most entertaining thing to happen at the school, just as long as it ain't happening to you that is.

Kyoya: And this is every day?

Bo: Uh-huh. But, if you end up dying at that school, you'll get a memorial photo hanging in the main halls only for people to look at you and go, "Yep, there's Ricky. Poor bastard never saw that bus coming. But at least he's with guys like Melvin now, up there taking those special needs classes with the good lord himself."

Kyoya: Oh my god...

Bo: On the positive side, they serve really great lunch. Which is probably the only good thing about the place.

Kyoya: How has that place not shut down?

Bo: I wish I knew, but I don't have the answer to that. I'm actually more surprised I survived this long.

Bubbaboo: That and the other things you've been through. And what city is this in Wyoming?

Bo: Riverton.

Bubbaboo: Huh... what a funny place.

Kyoya: Well, as interesting as it was to hear your backstory, it's about time to get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning.

Kyoya gets up and walks out of the room and closes the door behind her. Bo on the other hand pulls out his bong and begins to smoke before going to bed.

Bo: That's probably the most we've talked. A work in progress if I do say.

Bubbaboo: Say, do you plan on making any other things? Like any sort of gadgets or some chemicals?

Bo: I ain't so sure, Bubba. But I'll figure something out, I always do. Maybe a... um... a bicycle with boosters.

Bubbaboo: That doesn't sound bad. At least I don't think it will, maybe.

Bo: There's a lot of shit I can come up with in my head, and all of them might end up being crazy. But I like doing crazy. But until then... wanna watch some Bill Nye?

Bubbaboo: Sure thing, partner.

Bo: Lemme tell ya, it's even better when you're baked like a sumbitch.

Foreign Redneck Scientist (Sana Sunomiya)Where stories live. Discover now