Ch-IX: Passions

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Inside of the house, Bo followed Sana around while spectating the inside. It looked really nice and spacious to him.

Sana: It's probably good that you made yourself look presentable, my parents would have taken glances at you if otherwise.

Bo: Oh, okay.

When they entered the main chamber, he saw two adults sitting in the room. A woman who looks like an older version of Sana but even curvier. And a man who looked quite handsome and looks to be in good shape, despite wearing a casual shirt & tie, Bo could tell that man exercise must be intense.

Sana: Davis, I'd like you to meet my mother and father.

Bo: Hey.

They both got up from their seats and walk over towards Bo with the dad approaching him first.

Mr. Sunomiya: You must be the young man she told us about, right?

Bo: That would be me. 

Mr. Sunomiya: Well then, it's a pleasure to have you in our home. Davis, was it?

Bo: Yessir.

The father sticks his hand out for a handshake as Bo accepted it. The mom starts to approach him with her demeanor even resembling Sana's.

Mrs. Sunomiya: Nice to meet you, Davis. Sana doesn't bring people over very often.

Bo: I must be the special case then. It's nice seeing you both.

Bo refrained his eyes from looking at Mrs. Sunomiya's chest knowing that those two ballons seem to have a mind of their own whenever she moves. 

Bo: Goddamn, lady, keep those dogs under control! You trying to make me get in trouble or something?

Mrs. Sunomiya: By the way, we're warming up the dinner in the kitchen. Are you hungry, Davis?

Bo: Uh, yeah, kind of.

Mrs. Sunomiya: Would you like to join us?

Bo: Sure. 

Mr. Sunomiya: While it's warming up, Sana, maybe you can show Davis the gallery.

Sana: I've planned on showing him. Come on, Davis.

Bo: Alright.

Sana led Bo around the house until they walked into the gallery room with paintings from left to right. Bo thought he was in an art museum with the way the paintings were presented on the walls. But then he sees some of the nude paintings, some showing Sana showing her backside, some showing her side pose, some showing the front, and some showing off the entire package. His jaw was hanging from his mouth as he couldn't find the words or process the number of nude portraits he seen of Sana.

Bo: They're, uh... pretty good. Nice... detail to 'em, y'know what I'm saying. Uh... goddamn that's a nice ass-- I mean, nice grass. Nice grass is what I said.

Sana: There's no grass in them.

Bo glances back at the portraits and then back at Sana over and over.

Bo: Huh... well ain't that something, haha. But, uh, I said what I meant thought about them looking nice. Not in a perverted view, but in a... artistic view. And I'm not much of an art person.

Sana: It's like I told you, Davis, expressing myself freely without censor is what makes my art come to life.

Bo: Right, right, I almost forgot. You definitely got the skills, no doubting that. And hell, if you want to, you could even become a famous artist someday. Who knows...

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