Deep thoughts...

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Me:Olaf will melt when Elsa dies.
Friend: hey would you think something like that
Me: sorry. It was just a thought.
Other friend: I hate to be the one to say it but... imagine Ana singing "do you wanna build a snowman" at her funeral
Friend: first off, HOW DARE YOU?
Other friend: I'm so done right now!
Me: I'd like to apologies before hand for this;

Story time...
"Olaf" Elsa says weekly seeing the happy snowman at the door frame. Her enters the room walking to the bed in which she is lying.
"Hi, Elsa!" His cheerful voice gives a pang to Elsa's heart. She didn't want to do this but she could hold on only longer!
"Olaf come here" she held out her slowly dying hand for his stick one to take "I... I'm sorry Olaf, I can't freeze you anymore." A single tear dropped from her eye.
"I'm sorry Olaf, but our time is up." Elsa couldn't stop the stream of tears that fell on her face. But the time for holding things back was over.
"It's okay Elsa. This One time I want to be warm" he smiled a toothy grin, his eyes lighting up.
"Olaf" Elsa let out her last dying breath before she lost most of her energy to speak. Before she went to the light Olaf said, water dripping from his body
"It's alright really. Besides, some people are worth melting for." Slowly both Olaf and Elsa's body's become limp. But Elsa never let go of loafs hand. They were burred together. At the funeral, Elsa sang "do you wanna build a snowman" to hold on to the memories she had of both Elsa and Olaf. It was the happiest funeral ever. Just the way Olaf would have wanted.
They never forgot:
Some people are worth melting for.

What a loverly thing to have for the 50th book.

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