True Love Does Not Exist

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"How are both of you in perfectly healthy relationships, yet, I'm the only one who is rejected time after time?" I asked my best friends and roommates, Hazel and Annabeth with a bit of jealousy in my voice. "I dunno, you probably haven't found the one yet." Hazel replied laughing at my random comment. "I'm gonna have to agree with Haz, you haven't found him yet." I scowled at the comment, "you haven't found the one" I've thought that for a good two years, it doesn't seem that way... At all.

The past years have been nothing but heartbreak, it's a miracle that my two friends actually managed to get me out of the house. I shifted myself over to grab another grape from the clear container. The only reason I agreed to leaving the house was because they said we were gonna have a picnic, and picnics included food. "I've told you both once and I'll tell you again, true love doesn't exist. At least not in my world." I murmured the last sentence. "Can we leave?" I asked. I stood up from the white and red plaid blanket, I adjusted my grey Hogwarts baggy sweat pants and black lacy tank top.

"Nope, we're staying." They said in almost perfect unison, "fine," I sighed, "I'll walk myself home."

My walk to the apartment was...boring, I walked through the city I had lived in for years, nothing was new, nothing ever really changed except for some of the shops but very in often did they change. The same sound of tires on the streets, tourists taking pictures, womens boots clacking on the cobblestone sidewalks. Nothing ever changed.

But today was the day my life changed, im still wondering whether or not is was for better or for worse.

I suddenly felt self conscious of my attire, all the other women were wearing fancy desiger brands, and I was wearing sweat pants. I looked as if I rolled out of bed without checking to see my appearance before walking out the door.

I also felt sad in general, most girls were walking with what looked to be their boyfriends they walked and talked and occasionally publicly deplayed affection towards eachother, if only I had that. I was smacked out of my thoughts quite literally, I had bumped into a boy with blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Little did I know he would soon change my life.


I walked down the side walk trying to hurry to a little get together with my roomates, we could have all gone together but we all had plans before this, and of course I was late. I sped walked down the cobblestone focused on just getting there. I clearly wasnt paying attention to my surroundings becuase I ran into someone, "oh! Im so sorry." I said, as she looked up at me, the first thing I noticed was her eyes were incredibly beautiful, they were an assortment of colors that seemed to change every second, her hair was a gorgeous chocolate brown, it was up in a sort of really messy bun as if she was trying to look like appearance didn't matter, her skin was fairly tan and was a beautiful color.

"Oh, it's fine... I-I'm so clumsy." The girl said stuttering a bit. "No, it's not your fault, I was rushing to meet with my roommates and wasn't looking around. Really, it's not your fault." I assured her.

We both walked in opposite directions, glancing over our shoulder while the other wasn't looking.


I walked on thinking about that boy, be was very attractive. He had golden blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and his skin was just a big tan. I mentally slapped myself,

He's just gonna betray you...that's how they all are. I thought.

"He's cute right?" I asked my best friend Ren, her actual name was Lauren but since we became friends in fourth grade she wanted me to call her Ren. "Pipes, he's a player, you know that." She told me, "I know it's just, ugh! He's so attractive." I sighed going back to my homework.

The guy I was ogling over was Miles McCrary, he was possibly one of the hottest guys in the sixth grade and he was also my newest crush. He had jet black hair and hazel eyes. Ren thought I was insane for liking him, but I guess that's how all friends are. "Trust me Piper, he's gonna betray you, just like every player does.

I was immediately struck with sadness, I never thought back to the past...or not that far.


"What took you so long?" Percy, one of my roommates, asked. "I got caught in...traffic...?" It came out as kind of a question. "You walked here." My other roommate, Luke, remarked. "What were you really doing?"

"Nothing, really, I just had something to do before this..."

"Okay, let guys day begin!" They all cheered, I played off as happy, but really I was thinking about Vanessa.

Bling bling!

I turned over in bed reaching for my phone, I had gotten a text from Vanessa at exactly 12:00A.M. It read:

"Happy Birthday, Jason! Let's celebrate!"

I looked at it confused, what did she mean by celebrate...? I then heard a knock on my window. I got up out of bed grabbing my lamp from my bedside table, I looked out my window but didn't see anything.

I opened the doors to the balcony, when I looked down I saw Vanessa, "Repunzel, Repunzel! Let down your hair!" That summer I had had really long hair because I refused to cut it, only because my stepmom, Hera, kept annoying me about it. "Just climb the damn rope!" I whisper-yelled trying not to wake my dad and Hera. She did as I told her. When we first became friends I put a rope over my balcony overnight so we could hang out without my dad knowing. "So how will we celebrate?" I asked when she finally climbed up. I opened the glass door to my bedroom and sat down on my bed and pat a spot for Vanessa to sit. "Again, what are your plans on the celebration of my birth?"

"How about...this." She then kissed me, it wasn't the joking kiss she would plant on my cheek when people at school asked when you were gonna start dating, it was a real kiss, on the lips. It took me a few seconds to realize that I did like her like that and I kissed back. And that was the day that started our journey as a couple...and the start of heartbreak.
HELLO!!!!! I'm proud to present the official rewrite of my story!!!!! I really hope I don't end up disliking this again. I'M REALLY EXCITED TO SHOW YOU THIS NEW VERSION!!!!!!! AHHHHH!... Okay, this is getting weird... Anyway I hope you enjoyed! I will update as soon as possible! Sorry again for stopping the story at not even 10 chapters. I feel bad about that but I'm glad that I have this new improved version! Comment and vote only if you would like to!


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