Like A Psycho

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Am I even ready to start dating again? Maybe...but remember how the last relationship ended, shut up Pipes, you were 17 and you were a stupid delusional teenager. I thought to myself, whilst getting ready My second date with Jason. "Am I ready?" I asked aloud to myself forgetting the door was open, "stop worrying, it'll be fine!" Annabeth yelled from the kitchen, "DAMNIT!" I yelled closing the door. "Stop listening in on my conversations with myself!"

"Stop having them, people will think you're strange!"

I peered into my closet looking for anything decent, and by decent I meant perfect. I fished out a big light pink sweater, plain blue skinny jeans, and brown boots. I looked in the mirror at least 20 times before walking out the door, "goodbye, loser! I yelled as I shut the door.


We decided to meet at Centre Beach near Long Island Sound (I'm not entirely sure if this is true, I spent 40 minutes Googling "beaches on Long Island New York, so I'm hoping this is correct).

I spotted Jason perched on a few big rocks near the ocean, he waved me over. "Hello again!" He greeted, he wore a light blue shirt with an army green jacket over it, he also wore plain blue jeans with grey sneakers. "hey," I replied sort of shy even though he seemed like a nice guy, that's how they all were, STOP IT PIPER! I thought, when I'm fighting with my thoughts I usually turn my eyes to the top right of my vision, I pretty much looked like I was staring into the a psycho.

"Why are we at the beach if it's the middle of almost winter?" I asked, "this was your idea." He reminded me, of course it was, damnit Piper! After a long pause of silence he spoke, "let's play game." Jason suggested, "we're not in elementary school, Jason." I joked, he laughed, "shush! This is a special game..." He paused for dramatic effect, "let's an-"

"No!" I laughed, "kidding kidding!" He defended, "let's build sand castles, rules are: you can only use things on this beach and this you have in your pockets, I'll set a timer for 1 minuet, in the one minute we will gather supplies, you must keep it in a pile, only 3 items in a time can be in your hand then you have to put it in the pile, you can steal items from each other, if the other sees you though you must return it. Oh! And you have to use every item you put in your pile, Do you like this idea?"

"I'm in!"


We both dashed down the beach looking for anything we could possibly use, I found about 20 sea shells all in a pile I took three and ran back to the pile, running in boots on an uneven beach was an awful idea.

We continued the gather items, occasionally stealing stuff from the other.

Quack! Quack!

"Times up! Drop everything!" He called over. We started building weird sand castles. I had found a half broken bucket on the beach and used that to make a pond around it, I made walls make of sand, and random crappy items and half broken sea shells.

I was having fun, but in the back of my mind I was still thinking about what happened when I was 17.

", your not mad...?" I asked Donovan, "not at all, I still love you." He hugged me and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. He still loves me.

Pipes, you promised you wouldn't think about that. I mentally slapped myself for thinking into the past, especially to that event.

"You okay?" Jason asked me, "uh, yeah, I just...memories." I muttered. "Good or bad?"

"Extremely bad." I answered. "I get those...all the time actually, anything can trigger it."

"That's exactly how mine are..." I continued to form my derpy sand castle, "what are your about?" I asked questioningly. "Eh, mostly my ex...but some other things too."

"Same, I have memories of my many ex's, I was obsessed with boys from age 13 to about 19, it was a ruff couple of years given all the boys did was betray me in some way...I'm beginning to think that's how all guys are..." Sometimes I confess weird things, I'm glad I didn't go into detail, "I've been depressed about Vanessa since we broke up, we dated for around 5 or 6 years, all of high school." He confessed. "Wow, that's much longer than any of my relationships." I then felt sad, my effort to try to change myself when I was younger was stupid, boys did like me but I was only slowly dying.

Don't stop, I said to myself, don't stop running, perfection is attractive, your too fat! I wanted to stop but I couldn't it was an addiction.

My eyes started to water, don't cry Pipes, you're fine you're not like that anymore. I thought.

"Okay, I'm done." Jason declared standing up to examine his work, "me too!"

"Wait, um, why did you tell me about...Vanessa...?" I asked, "because I feel like I can trust you, and I haven't talked out loud to Someone about Vanessa and its best to share your thoughts and not to bottle them up." He smiled.

"I guess that's true."

We stared at each others castles, "now I know where the bunny toy went..." I gave him a fake glare and we shared a laugh. "Now I know where my seaweed went..." He gave me a fake glare. "Now I know where my bucket went,"

"I didn't steal a bucket," he said confused, "I was trying to throw you off." I laughed, "wow, how dare you?" He said faking his feelings being hurt.

"I vote mine," he declared, "well I vote mine!" I joked, "well..." He said getting out his phone, "let's see what our roommates think," I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed Hazel because 9 times out of 10 Annabeth doesn't answer her phone, Hazel picked up immediately. "Did the date go horribly wrong?" She asked concerned, I could see Annabeth in the kitchen making something off in the background, "no, and for the last time it's more of a get together than a date, we have a sort of bet going, which sand castle is best?" I asked, "the one that looks as if someone punched it's side," Hazel answered, "hey!" Jason said, "your friends are mean,"

"What about Annabeth?"

"What about me?" She said coming into the screen, "which sand castle is best?"

"Same as Hazel."

I disconnected the FaceTime call, "Annabeth says yours, Hazel says yours,"

"Luke says mine, Percy said yours, Frank said mine-"

"Don't go any further, you win." I had a fake temper tantrum as if I was a toddler, "I wanted to win! RECOUNT!" I yelled.

Did you like it? Hehe, next chapter I'm thinking about a time skip just because I'm awful at building friend ships, I'll try to build up their friend ship but I think I already know what I want to do, BOTH! You'll see later! Vote and comment if you wish, tell me if you liked this(if you wish).

Thanks for reading! OH! And for the sand castle game they played, I literally made that up I don't know if it actually exists but I'm gonna call it, Extreme Sand Castles, I do think that anyone who reads this should play it if you live near a beach or if your on a vacation that has a beach nearby, or umm, yeah. I think you get it.


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