Your Boobs Are Vibrating

496 19 12

Jason aesthetic!^

Hello, sorry if you had troubles reading this, if you're reading this on a phone please tell me if it's more than four pages, it wouldn't load the rest.


When the doors opened I stared at the roof, surprisingly no one was here, but it was completely gorgeous it was covered in multi-colored Christmas lights and glitter.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Leo, asked. "Come on, it'll be fun." I ran across the roof to the hot tub taking off my black heels and dipping my feet in the water. He took off him socks and shoes doing the same. "Tell me about yourself." I said.

"Umm." He started thinking

"I bet you're having that 'who am I?' Thought." I laughed, "you are correct," he laughed with me.

Even though I've only known him for like 5 minutes, oddly felt... Comfortable, around him, like I could trust him.

My phone vibrated but I ignored it, "your boobs are vibrating." He remarked laughing a bit. "Probably an ex boyfriend begging to take me back, it's not worth checking, either that or it's Piper, again not important." I told him, "ready to get naked?" I asked, he looked unsettled but shrugged, "okay."


"Where the hell did she go?" I stated aloud, there's a hot tub on the roof, she really liked hot tubs. I thought.

I rushed to the elevator, I waited for the doors to open.

From what I could see only two people were here, and purple headed girl and a sort of Latino guy in a hot tub...naked.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at Ren. "I'm having fun!" She yelled back, "is this a stranger?"

"No not really, his name is Leo."

I dragged her out of the hot tub, "we are going home." I told her handing her her dress. "Put this on. Now."


"You are no fun." Ren said as she glared at me in the car. "I'm saving you from possibly getting hurt or something." She still continued to glare at me.

In the front Jason was quiet listening to our conversation probably wondering what had happened.


"So where are you taking me?" I asked Vanessa as she blind folded me in her car. "It's a surprise." She said, finishing the knot.

She began driving and there was a silence, it's wasn't awkward more comforting.

After awhile I got worried, it's been at least an hour and we still haven't found our destination. "Um, are we lost or...?" There was no answer, "Vanessa?" I asked scared, I reached my hand out to grab her wrist, she was still here, but she wasn't talking. "Vanessa, where are you taking me?" Still no answer. I heard the ocean, "VANESSA WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?" I asked in full panic, she still didn't answer. "Please answer me." I begged.

The car started moving at an alarming rate, was she driving into the ocean? "Are you trying to kill us?!?!" I screamed struggling to take the blind fold off, we were seconds away from plunging into the water.

I did possibly the worst or best thing I could have done in that moment. I took the wheel forcing us away from the water. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled. She sat there with her head in her hand, crying. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I-m sorry." She said choking on tears. "What did you plan on doing?" I asked calmly. "Dying, with the one person who returned my love..." She whispered, "I don't want to live, just let me die." She cried.

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