I Sure As Hell

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Warning swearing ahead(a lot of it)!


Haha, I forgot how much of a bitch Delilah was, and how I hated middle school. Especially the day after I had snapped.

"Hey! It's Jason!" Someone yelled from across the hall, "is it true that you and Vanessa are dating?" He, who I'd never met until now, practically yelled given that the halls were really loud during passing periods.

"Where did you here is?" I questioned in a dull tone. Vanessa and I had heard an earful of these comments, everyone was obsessed with it ever since Delilah spread it across the grade before school even started, I was about ready to announce it over the intercom.

"Delilah told us," he said motioning his four friends who I didn't see were standing there before, "of course she did," I mumbled, "it's true, tell everyone that I told you it is true, and also...tell them to leave both of us alone." I yelled a bit harsh but I was done with everyone obsessed with this, I had gone from nobody to somebody, in less then twenty-four hours. And I sure as hell don't want to be "popular" because I'm in a relationship.

"Okay!" He squeaked, I saw a group of girls whispering and "subtlety" pointing in my direction, if I didn't get out of this damn school in four seconds I was going to rip those bitches heads off. I ran to the bathroom opened a stall door and slipped my phone out of my pocket, "we need to talk, now." I typed and sent to Vanessa, almost immediately she typed, "when and where?"

"Now, special meeting place."

Advisory had started a few seconds ago, but it didn't really matter to me because both of our advisory teachers always forgot to take attendance until the end, and didn't pay attention so you could slip in without being noticed.

I sped-walked to the doors leading to the football field, I could see a girls with dark hair running towards the bleachers, I smiled, she still knew the drill.

"Hey," I said exhausted by the time I had walked all that long way. "Hey." She replied, there was a silence between us, she eventually broke it, "so are you being attacked with questions on our relationship too?"

"...yes." I said hesitantly, "and why are they asking these questions?" Please don't get mad at me, I thought. I kind of got really tricking mad at Delilah, and she kind of annoyed me about the whole "when are you and Vanessa going to date?" I mimicked, "and uh, I...uh, kind of told her that we were dating...because she annoyed me...a lot." She gave me a look that said "I'm going to kick your sorry ass."

"I'M SORRY!" I said immediately, she was about to punch me but purposely missed, hooking her arm around my neck kissing my lips. "Thanks for not punching me in the face," I said when we pulled away. "Your welcome, are we done here?" She asked, "yeah," I laughed standing up, we walked out opposite ways to our classes.

Ah, the good ol' days, when everything was perfect.


Having a crush is a horribly amazing thing, in middle school I stalked the shit out of my crushed, and in high school I dated them. It wasn't like I didn't date any boys in middle school, I just didn't date very many. Crush is a crush because it crushed you when you are rejected, but sometimes it doesn't crush you, sometimes you realize that they weren't good enough anyway, I mostly felt the first option.

"Is this what dying feels like?" I groaned lying on my bed, "no, don't be stupid." Ren said scrunching her brows. "Then why does it feel so awful?"

"You went through your first break up, it's not the end of the world,"

"Then why do I feel like crap?"

"Because, it was your first breakup," Ren said in a "duh" tone. "I guess." The breakup made me feel helpless, my first actual crush to go out with me dumps me for someone I thought was my friend. "Can you just go? I kind of want to be alone." I asked her, "sure." She replied getting up and leaving my house.

When I was sure she was gone I went to the bathroom, no boys seemed to like me, at all. They all kind of laughed at me. I locked the door so if anyone tried to come in uninvited I could quickly hide what I was doing.

I slipped off my shirt just staring at myself. I wasnt popular and I didn't stick out to anyone. I was the type of girl who couldn't pay attention in class because she was so uncomfortable with herself, I was the type of girl who mumbled the words if asked to read something out loud, I was the type of girl who hated reading out loud in front of the class because everyone stares.

I was the lonely loser, who no one dared to talk to, the only friend I had was Lauren, but that was becuase we were both outcasts.

I started to point out the reasons im not popular like other girls, my thighs are too big, I have no boobs, I never wear makeup becuase im bad at applying it, I didn't put effort into my hair at all, I had terrible achne everywhere. And finally... I was so deperate for,


Why did I have to be so unappealing? so fat, so ugly, and stupid? why did everyone hate me? why did every boy want to humiliate me? Why did no one care?

Pipes, you'll never be perfect if you don't make an effort. I thought.

That night I refused to eat dinner, I claimed I, "wasnt hungry."

For the next few months I didn't eat much, and when I did eat I threw it up, knowing I won't be skinny and beautiful if I didn't work hard, I needed to be perfect, because inside I felt worthless, but what I didn't know was that I was slowly dying and it was all my fault.

I tried not to cry thinking back on that, my first breakup brang me spiralling down the pit of failure.

I had the worst self esteem issues as a kid, at first I didn't care, but then the bullying started. Being the girl no one knew was rich was the hardest thing in the entire damn world, no one knew that if I told my dad about this ongoing thing that my dad could find some way to expel them, or move schools, that happened a lot, but I didn't want to change schools because I finally found a friend.

But two years from then I moved away, from my only friend, the only thing I was happy about was that I was away from that hell hole that claimed to be a school, life had been decent for once, but the boys betraying me almost made it worse.

HEYO! Sorry the chapter is kind of short, I'm working on making them longer and getting them up at a decent time! Comment and vote only if you want to (you really don't have to)! Also sorry about the CONSTANT cover change, I just make new covers all the time and I like the new ones better than the old ones, I dunno, I'm just weird like that.


P.s. I suggest listening to Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco, no particular reason I'm just currently obsessed with it.

P.s.s. Sorry that this took me forever to get up, I wasn't sure whether or not I liked the chapter but I feel that you've waited awhile for this so I just though, screw it.

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