Blind Date

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Note: funny how the picture I picked for Jason has the actor I picked for Jason wearing it.


When all of us girls were back at the apartment I, and only I, sat on the couch and watched Young&Hungry.

"So, Annabeth and I are tired of seeing you mope around so... Drumroll please!" Annabeth and she then clapped their hands on their thighs. "We set you up on a blind date!" I picked up the remote and paused the show, "what?" I turned my head to them "I see you don't like this idea but you'll thank me later." Annabeth exclaimed, "because tonight you will find The One!"

"I looked at them both in shock. "Tonight? It's already five in the afternoon, when is it?" I yelled frantically getting off the couch, "seven thirty." Annabeth said quietly, "I'm going to kill you both."

Little did I know...they were right...


"So boys, how's the girlfriend? Except Nico, how's your boyfriend?" They all answered with "she's(or he's) good, except Frank who answered with "it's complicated, "WHAT?" Percy yelled, "you guys are my OTP! How could you do this to me?" He began to fake cry "Nico tell Will that you guys are my new OTP!"

"I'm kidding, we're good." Frank laughed, "never mind then Nico,"

"So, Jason, how's being forever alone?" Luke joked, "haha, funny, I hate you guys..." I said sarcastically. "Cheer up, buddy! We set you up on a blind date." He said casually, I spit out the Dr. Pepper I was drinking, "WHAT?!?!" I yelled, a few people stared at us but that was the least of my problems, "relax, it's tonight at seven thirty." Frank said. I looked at the time, it was already around five. "I gotta go, this is all your faults." I was about to walk out of the door before asking, "where is it at?"

"We'll drive you." They all said in perfect unison, and then continued to all shout "jinx."


"Are you sure about this?" I asked entirely scared, the last time i had been set up on a blind date it...uh, didn't end very well(thanks Ren😒).

The girls lead me to a table near the back, I looked at my black fitted dress, am I too dresses up for not knowing him? I asked myself. A girl walked through the doors, Annabeth gestured her over, did my friends not set me up with a boy?, do they think I'm a lesbian?

"Piper this is-" I cut off my blonde friend, "I'm hoping not my date!" I said hastily, they began to laugh, "no, I'm not your date," the girl smiled, "I'm his sister, my name is Thalia." We shook hands and they continued to laugh at me. Waiting for her brother was one of the scariest things ever, so the girls told me words of encouragemen like: "you'll be fine," "calm down he's nice," "don't screw this up you need a boyfriend,"

"Aww, thanks Annie!" I said sarcastically. They all laughed and some people came through the glass door, I thought it was just another group at first but The girls were waving them over, oh shit!

There was five guys who came through the door, did my friends set me up with more than one guy? What the hell were they thinking? STOP PANICKING! They aren't Ren, this isn't gonna go to shit.

An Asian guy put his arm around Hazel, and a boy with black hair and sea green eyes put an arm around Annabeth, and a blonde boy with a huge scar across his face put an arm around Thalia, they must be the boyfriends. There was a blonde guy and a goth looking one, the blonde had a small crescent shaped scar on his lip "wow I feel so left out I didn't know we were all bringing dates." The gothic boy said sarcastically, the one that was pushed forward looked very familiar. "Jason, meet-"

"Oh, no, we've already met." I cut in, "when?" Everyone else asked, "few hours ago." I explained the story to Hazel and Annabeth and he explained to his friends. "Only now, I know your name." I remarked.

The excess people left to other tables leaving me and the, wait no, Jason alone. "So you know my name, what is yours?" He asked, "Piper." I replied avoiding eye contact(which is a horrible idea). "There staring at us aren't they?" I asked quietly, he looked around, "yeah, with grins of enjoyment, I think we're entertaining." He stifled a small laugh, I just sat staring at my lap. "Are you okay?" He asked leaning over the table a bit, "Because, we can just leave without explanation." He offered, as much as I wanted to crawl back into bed and never step foot into the real world ever again, I felt that I couldn't. I didn't want to spend my life living with forty cats and no boyfriend, fiancée, husband, nothing.

"No, it's just...I haven't been on any sort of date in a a long time...and blind dates have never really worked for me."

"I got out of a five year relationship about two years ago, I'm still heartbroken over that," he said, "so if this is about some sort of relationship thing I understand." He assured me. "Thanks." I smiled.

Most of the next hour and a half was spent chatting over simple things, favorite colors, books, movies, etc. it was nice, talking to someone other than my roommates, the best part about it was, we had a lot in common, the biggest thing was our fails relationship wise.

"Well this was nice." I said as we walked out our friends waiting to bombard us with questions, "agreed." We swapped phone numbers and such and walked our separate ways. Once we were far enough away from each other, the questions started piling.

"How was it?"

"Do you like him?"

"Did you screw it up?"

"Great, I don't know, and I don't think so..." I laughed, I was finally happy, it was awhile since I had felt this feeling, and that feeling was very familiar to me when I was a young clueless little girl...

This feeling was a crush.


"When are you and Vanessa gonna get together?" A girl by the name of Delilah asked laughing a bit as I attempted to get to my next class, "leave me alone,"

"It's just a question," she taunted, "so when will you guys get together?" She was probably one of the most manipulative girls in the 7th grade, finds out your secrets even if she has to pry them out of you, and then tells everyone, over the summer Vanessa and I had indeed gotten together, but decided not to give anyone satisfaction so we didn't tell anyone.

Realizing that we were going to the same class and this wouldn't end for a good forty-five minutes, I just snapped at her, "we're already together! Happy?" I yelled, "OMIGOD! This is great stuff, glad I could basically create you."

"What does that mean?" I asked confused, "I was the first person to taught you about it, and I'll be the first to ruin this," we had found our destination bur had been talking behind the closed door, "ladies first!" She said before walking into the classroom, the bell rang and I was reported tardy.

She had officially succeeded on pissing me off, damnit.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter...hmmm. Tell me what you think! Thank you for reading and in case you were wondering I won't be having an update schedule, it's just gonna be random. Comment and vote only if you want to!


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