Remind Me

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I woke up in sweat-drenched sheets, gasping. I had had a nightmare. About the guard.

"Miss? Are you alright?" Grace leans over me, panicked. I run a hand across my forehead, my black hair sticking to my forehead.

I nod. "I'm fine, sorry. Just a bad dream." Grace bites her lip uncertainly.

"Would you like some tea?" I shake my head, sending my curls flying.

"No, thank you. I'll be fine." She nods. "Let's get you ready for the day, shall we? It's Saturday, so you'll just be in the Women's Room, I'd suspect."

"Okay." I agree. Alice puts some shiny product into my hair, making my long curls fall perfectly and naturally. I wear a white day dress with cap sleeves and a round neckline that is covered in summery pink and red flowers. Sarah insists I wear these pretty pink pumps, so I comply reluctantly. They make me taller, so I don't look five foot two anymore. My makeup is simple. Grace brushes light gold powder over my eyelids and dusts my cheeks pink, with pink lipgloss, and what I have discovered is eyeliner and mascara. They look me over and nod.

"You and the other girls are taking breakfast in the dining room. Can you make your way down there alone?" Sarah asks me. I nod and wave goodbye, then exit my room and knock on Rowan's door. She opens it, to the protests of her maids, then steps out into the hallway.

"Hi!" She says happily. I find Rowan completely adorable. She's dressed in a lavender day dress with a chain of pearls around her neck, and little white kitten heels. Her strawberry-blonde waves are up in a little ponytail, with waves framing her face. She's sixteen, and I'm seventeen, but she seems so innocently younger.

"Hey, Row." I say, her enthusiasm making me smile.

"What should we do today? We have the whole day to ourselves!" She exclaims, blowing one of her curls out of her eyes.

"Let's go see what Sage wants to do?" I offer. She nods and heads over to her door, knocking persistently. I've learnt that Rowan happens to be a persistent person. Sage throws open the door, her face arranged into a smirk.

"Hello, ladies."

"Hi, Sage." Rowan flashes her a smile. "What do you want to do today?"

"Is sleeping an option?" Sage questions lazily.

"You're already dressed." Rowan counters proudly.

Sage sighs. "I guess so. Let's go get breakfast, then go to the Women's Room, maybe?"

Rowan nods. "Sounds like a plan, Stan."

"My name is Sage."

"Right." We make our way down to the dining room, where a handful of girls are already eating. It smells like eggs and bacon and all sorts of delicious scents I don't know the name of. We sit at the end of the table, and in moments we all have full platters of breakfast food set before us. I began to eat, and am pleasantly surprised. This food is way better than the restaurant's food.

Suddenly a maid comes rushing into the room, clutching a piece of paper in between her fingers. "Is Lady Violet here?" She asks urgently. I see Violet sitting alone across the table, a book resting on her lap.

"Um, that's me." She says quietly. Her long auburn hair is left loose around her shoulders, and she's wearing a pretty white day dress.

"I have a note for you. From Prince Adrian." The maid hurries over to Violet and hands it to her. Violet takes it graciously and thanks her, then unfolds it slowly. I want to yell at her to hurry up and read it out loud. Her cheeks flush while reading it, then she tucks it into a pocket on her dress. I want to ask what it said, but I'm afraid I'd sound too jealous and spiteful.

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