Chapter 6

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As eda was leaving work Vivian had come up behind her, groping on her.  Eda of course found sick twisted pleasure in it, but felt Vivian pull at her shirt for some reason. It was Vivian putting another nicotine patch on her. "Vivia, what are you doing?"  Eda asked. "Oh, nothing, just.. Basking in your uh... " Vivian stopped trying to find something to say. "My... Beauty?" Eda asked in a way to hopeful tone. "Uh.. Yeah sure, that" Vivian answered, then let eda go.  Eda giggled, and kissed her cheek. "I love you, but I gotta go, I'm gonna spend some time with my siblings and a friend" eda said. "Whatever" Vivian said, and walked away.

Eda was a little hurt by the response but the thrill she thought she got by Kissing Vivian kept her happy.  She left her job and waved Esmeralda off, then went to the location where her siblings were at.

When she got there, she immediately hugged her siblings dispute yelling at the only a few days ago. "I missed you guys!" She beamed. Both Lilith and Edward laughed and hugged her back.  "Edalyn you saw us the other day" Lilith said softly. "That's doesn't count! I was pretty much half drunk!" Eda argued playfully
"Alright, alright, we missed you to" Edward said.    Then shortly after  Raine arrived.  Eda saw them and waved them over. When eda started talking to them, Lilith ripped the nicotine patch off edas shirt. However it was on a lot better than she expected and caused eda to loose her balance. Eda started falling but some how by fate, Raines instincts kicked in, and they caught her by they waist.  Lilith and Edward watched this, and l9oked at each other and shrugged as Lilith threw the patch in the street.

Eda had her eyes squeezed shut expecting to hit the ground, but felt Raines strong grip around her waist.  Eda opened her eyes, looked up at them mesmorised. Her cheeks turned pink, then raine pulled her up, and helped her regain her balance. This was a weakness of eda's, someone strong handling her.  "Are you alright?" Raine asked with a kind gentle tone. Eda was folded.  The only thing that came out her mouth was. ".. Strong.."    Raine chuckled and let go of her, which eda thanked them for but deep down did not appreciate it.  

Lilith and Edward snickered with caught edas attention. Eda covered her face from embarrassment, but because Raine is blind they took her hands away and looked at her closely. "Are you okay? Your really red" they said, with all seriousness. Lilith and Edward we're currently dying of silent laughter.   "Y-yes!! I'm fine!" Eda blurted out.   She'd never been so flustered in all her life even when she first met Vivian, and when Vivian met her, it was dirty flirting untill eda caved.. Which didn't take long.

Raine chuckled at edas reaction, and took a step back. "This is ridiculous, we don't even have to do anything"  Lilith chuckled, as they watched eda fumble around excuses on why her face was red, none of which made sense.   "Yo, eda!" Edward yelled. Eda looked back at him. "Girl shut up!" He said.  Eda looked down and indeed did shut up.  Raine laughed and looked at eda with full smiles. 

After a few hours, the withdraw symptoms hit eda. She couldn't walk straight, her whining started, vision was blurry, she felt as if her whole life was in danger by the slightest touch, but most of all, all she wanted. Eda almost entirely passed out, and Raine caught her, starting to panic.   "E-eda!? Are you alright!?" They asked. Lilith and Edward noticed and took edas phone away from her. "L-lily! No! Please..give it back.. I-i need to call Vivian"  eda pleaded. "No you don't edalyn, you just need rest" Lilith said. Eda whined, and started getting breathless.   

Edward held eda as she started falling asleep. "Raine, can you please watch her for a few days?" Lilith asked. "Uhm.. Sure, is she going to be okay?"  Raine asked. "I'm.. Sure she'll be fine.. She's.. Uhm.. Sick" Lilith lied. "Oh? Alright, well then il take her home"  Raine said, and took her from Edward. "If she gets hurt il kill you" Edward said bluntly.  Raine feared for their life.

Meanwhile, Vivian was walking down a dark allyway, with a dark jacket and a hat to cover her face. "Terry" she said Inna Stern voice. "Vivian, I see your back for more nicotine"  Terry chuckled. "I know, it's taking a lot more effort to break this girl"  Vivian said in an annoyed voice. "How so?" Terry asked. "She's got a lot more.. Spirit. than I'm used to, and her friends are in the way" Vivian scoffed. "Why not use something stronger? I can give you heroin patches instead, that little bitch will be all over you, then we can ship her out" Terry said. "Heroin huh? Alright, let's do it, she's on some nicotine right now, so when I see her again il put these on her" Vivian explained.   "Good, take 50, your still having fun with her arnt you?" Terry asked. "Hell yeah, she's dumb as hell, but she is kinda pretty, and a pretty good body"  Vivian said. "Hm, alright then, keep her close, I see that girl with some green haired person in the woods sometimes"  Terry said, and looked down. "What? Since when does she go in the woods? Either way I'm sure it's fine, she literally can't go a day without me"  Vivian bragged.  "If you say so, girls like her, their different.." Terry said with low voice, thinking of someone special. "What do you mean?" Vivian asked. "I can tell, she's dependent on love.. Affection, I can bet your mistreating her, and that's all well and fine, but someone might come.. And sway her away from you" Terry explained.  "Are you really trying to lecture me right now?! You surly can't talk, you treated your wife the same way I treat her, you have no room to talk" Vivian scowled. 

Terry scoffed. "Look.. I'm trying to help, I made a mistake, so now you can make a better one, try actually loving her, you'll be surprised how girls like her can light up your life"  Terry explained.   Vivian scoffed. "She's a love sick idiot, you could just smile at that girl and she'll swoon, just give me the heroin" Vivian demanded. Terry sighed, and handed them to her, and Vivian went on her way.

Meanwhile, Raine had gotten eda home, and laid her down on her couch.  Luna was trotting around and chasing yarn. "Alright.. Just rest here okay?" Raine asked. "R-raine.. I-i.. I miss Vivian.. " eda whined. Raine sighed, knowing they had edas phone on them. Lilith specifically instrusted them not to let her call Vivian.   "I'm sorry, but you'll see her in a few days"  Raine assured her. "No.. Now.. Please?.. " eda begged and tried to reach for her phone. Raine grabbed her hand and held her down gently, causing eda to lay on them.   Raine sighed happily feeling her weight on them, and wrapped their arms around her. "Shh.. It's gonna be alright, I promise.. Il be right here for you"  Raine whispered in her ear.   Eda started to calm down, and cuddled up to them.    Raine did feel a little guilty holding eda like this when she had a girlfriend, even more that they enjoyed it. 

The simple way she laid on them, latching her arms around their neck, not to choke them thankfully, but to keep them close. Right now Raine was thinking about how lucky Vivian was to have someone like eda all to herself, she seemed fragile and loving from what Raines seen. Raine smiled softly while watching eda sleep like a princess on top of them, so they.. Reluctantly wrapped their arms around her so she wouldn't thing the gesture was onesided, but tried to do it as platoniclly as possible, if that was even possible.  Either way, they didn't see edas small smile while they held her.


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