Chapter 9: The Combat Room

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'Welcome to the Enigma Nexus' A robot-like voice says into the darkness

Suddenly, Sofia wakes up startled, her eyes blurry and her thoughts muddled as she's still half asleep.

What on earth- she thinks but stops as she starts but stops once she takes in her surroundings.

In front of her, no, everything around her is pitch black and she's just now realizing she's not in the comfort of her bed but on the floor, her nightclothes still on.

'What the hell' she whispers looking around, a slight panic beginning to envelope her

'Sofia' Finn breathes next to her

She gasps, shocked that she's not alone but also glad that she's not the only one confused about the current situation.

'Finn, what's happening, were are the others' the panic is now evident in her Sofia's voice and she's shaking slightly

Finn reaches for her hand. When Sofia doesn't retract it he holds it lightly giving it  a small squeeze

'It's okay, let's just stick together and-

But he's cut off, as a bright light fills the room.

Just then two pairs of voices scream.

Amara and Liam are looking each other dead in the eyes, horror and disgust in their expressions. Once they glance around and see the bemused look on Sofia and Rumi's face they blush, embarrassed at their actions and both move away from each other.

Rumi is still hollering on the floor, one hand clutching her side and the other trying to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes. ' The pair of you should've seen you faces, wish I'd taken a picture'

Amara just rolls her eyes and goes to sit next to the two girls.

'Anyone seen Kwame' Sofia asks

The five teenagers look around for any sign of the dreadhead before spotting him in a corner, curled up like a baby fast asleep.

'Oi, wakeup sleepyhead' Amara yells at the sleeping boy

But Kwame just rolls over on his other side. 

'Can y'all tone it down, I'm trying to sleep here' He mutters

The five teenagers all exchange exasperated looks. Might as well move to him then.

Once they've settled beside Kwame who has now decided to wake up after a swift kick in the ribs they take a look around.

Although there is light, it's almost blinding and they can barely see anything.

'What is this place, and did anyone else hear that strange voice earlier' Finn asks squiting his eyes in the hope of seeing something, anything

'How gracious of you to finally acknowledge my presence' a robotic-like voice booms, it's voice has a slight echo to it.

The six teens now look at each other, confused

'Who are you, Where are we?'

The lights dim and everything becomes clearer.

' Welcome to the Enigma Nexus training grounds,

'The floor beneath your feet is both solid and responsive, thanks to a combination of advanced holographic tech and magical runes etched into the surface. In the center of the room, a holographic display comes to life, transforming into various terrains as if by magic, adapting to your every move and strategy.

Before you, a sleek console awaits, adorned with buttons and touchscreens. This is your command center, allowing you to shape the challenges that lie ahead. Want to face a forest full of mythical creatures or navigate a bustling city under siege? The choice is yours.

Against one wall, you can find an array of futuristic weapons, each one a blend of technology and magic. Plasma-infused swords and energy-burst pistols beckon, ready to be wielded in the pursuit of greatness. On the opposite side, a collection of musical instruments stands, their presence weaving an unexpected harmony into the combat environment.

A grand piano, a shimmering harp, and a set of drums beckon, their melodies not just for show but intricately woven into the very fabric of combat. Play a chord at the right moment, and a protective shield may materialize. Strum a banjo, and watch as your opponent's focus wavers.

As you explore, enchanted mirrors tucked away in alcoves reflect various training scenarios, offering insights and opportunities for improvement. You'll notice the air carries a subtle mix of essential oils, enhancing focus and concentration, setting the stage for a training experience that transcends the ordinary.

In the Enigma Nexus,  warriors meld technology and magic, and the line between combat and artistry blurs in pursuit of a harmonious mastery that echoes throughout the realms. My name is Cipher, your artificial intelligence personal assistant.'

And then the voice is gone. As the six companions take in their surroundings, still processing what they've heard, the holders of truth.

'Enjoy the surprise? Now, how about we suit up and put your abilities to the test' Jolene says

- a/n:

sorry for not updating for so long, school's been stressful.

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