Chapter 10 : Tests and Trials

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10 minutes later, the six warriors are dressed in state of the art combat training suits, They were black and well fitted while still holding intricate details like peculiar zips and pockets. 

The room was pulsating with anticipation as the holographic display in the center of the Enigma Nexus training grounds transforms into a dense, mystical forest. The teens exchange apprehensive but excited glances, ready for the challenges that awaited.

"Alright, team," Finn declares with newfound determination, "let's see what we're capable of in this strange place."

Jolene leads them toward the sleek console, explaining its functions and how they can shape their trials. The buttons and touchscreens respond to their commands, altering the terrain and summoning mythical creatures to test their mettle.

As the landscape shifts, a set of futuristic weapons catches their eyes. Plasma-infused swords and energy-burst pistols beckon, each with a unique blend of technology and magic. The teens pick weapons that resonate with them, feeling a connection to the harmonious power these tools possess.

However, the real surprise was on the opposite side of the room. A collection of musical instruments awaits them, each emitting its own magical energy. Sofia's eyes widen as she spots her grand piano, Finn grins at his banjo, Liam marvels at his guitar, Amara clutches her harmonica, and Kwame smirks at his drums.

Cipher's voice echoes in their minds, guiding them through the unique properties of their instruments. These aren't just for show; they are a fusion of combat and artistry.

"Let the music guide your movements, and you'll find strength in its rhythm," Cipher advises.

The enchanted mirrors tucked away in alcoves catch their attention, reflecting various training scenarios. The companions approach them, eager to learn and improve their skills. The air is filled with the subtle scent of essential oils, enhancing their focus and concentration.

Sofia sits at her grand piano, fingers poised over the keys, as she experiments with the melodies that can shape the battlefield. Finn plucks at his banjo, discovering how the vibrations can disorient adversaries. Liam strums his guitar, feeling the resonance of protective shields forming with each chord. Amara breathes life into her harmonica, manipulating the air to create a mesmerizing distraction. Kwame pounds on his portable drums, setting the rhythm for coordinated attacks.

As they explore the intricacies of their instruments, the room comes alive with a harmonious symphony, the melodies blending seamlessly with the holographic environment.

Jolene watches with satisfaction as the teens embrace their newfound abilities. "You're not just warriors; you're artists in the grand canvas of combat. Now, I think you're ready for the first test'.

The holographic display shifts again, this time into a bustling city under siege. Mythical creatures emerge, and the ground trembles with the challenges awaiting them. The six companions, armed with weapons and instruments, stand united, ready to face that awaited.


Chaos ensues as mythical creatures roam the holographic city. Armed with their weapons and instruments, they begin the challenge.

Finn, grinning at Sofia, says, "Our music's like a magical shield, huh?"

Sofia chuckles, "Teamwork makes the dream work, I guess."

Kwame and Amara exchange banter as they coordinate attacks. Amara teases, "Watch this, Kwame!" playing a lively tune that distracts creatures.

Kwame smirks, "Not bad, Harmonica Queen. Let's kick ass!"

"Harmonica Queen? How cheesy" Amara laughs

"You love it" Kwame fires back with a wink

Liam steals a glance at them.

Rumi nudges Liam, "They're cute, aren't they?"

Liam shrugs defiantly, " Why would I care?". 

Rumi sighs  "If you didn't, you wouldn't be staring so much". She runs off to her next victim.

Liam mentally kicks himself. Get it together man, he thinks, She doesn't know what she's talking about anyways.

Minutes pass as the heroes hack away at their enemies, harnessing their power and unlocking their skills. When they are done they start to walk to the opening of the portal to go back to the training room

As everyone is walking in silence, a moment of quiet intensity builds between Amara and Liam.

Amara smirks, "It's so cool how our music has chemistry."

Liam stammers, "Yeah, who knew harmonicas could be so... captivating?"

The two look at each other for a second and just for a moment it feels like they're 12 again. But then Amara walks away and the moment is broken.

The room's walls shimmer, revealing wanted posters. Shocked, the team exchange concerned glances. Rumi releases a shaky gasp and Kwame groans, exasperated.

"What the- Finn starts

"Oh for fucks sake- Amara and Sofia say

"Well shit- Liam begins

But before anyone can register anything, something pulls them forward and they're in the training room again. Jolene and Ned in front of them.

Ned steps forward, "Time to rebel, young warriors. The world needs heroes."

Sofia asks, "Rebel against what? "

Finn adds in "What the hell is going on!"

Ned nods, " Remember the our first conversation about the forces threatening our world. A prophecy as been unveiled and we need to restore harmony to our community.

"Right now we can't trust anyone or anything meaning we can't use the training portals. Tomorrow we'll start  planning your mission" Jolene says

"You just said we're all in danger right?, so then what are we waiting for?" Kwame inquires

Jolene points to the transparent ceiling and the 6 heroes look up. They are dirty, bruised and covered in blood.

"You're plan makes a lot of sense now actually" Kwame says sheepishly causing the others to exchange bemused looks.


On the other side of town, a tall, sleek boy with wavy blonde hair stands on a vast, eloquent balcony his head hanging down.

'What's happening to her?' he mutters softly, his voice filled with agitation

Behind him, his five other friends are passed out on lounge chairs, all except for one. A pale slight girl with chin length hair.

"Beats me. she says "But if she's on that wanted poster Blake, something bigger must be happening".

What the training suits look like (credits: Pinterest)

What the training suits look like (credits: Pinterest)

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