My Romeo, His Juliet. ( Part 4 )

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    ( YOUR POV )

   The entire bandage was red, and I had blood trickling down my arm and onto my palm. Harry's massive hand was smudged with the red liquid as well. However, he didn't seem to be bothered by it, instead he turned to me with tears brimming his eyes. 

"Why did you.. what is this? "

I shook my head, and mentally slapped myself for making Harry cry, but then again. I was still shocked that he kissed me, and now he exposes his soft side to me. 

"Harry it's nothing, don't worry about it."  

He scoffed as he slowly unwrapped the material on my arm. 

"Nothing? Your bandage is drenched in blood, and you expect me not to worry? Why are you so stupid?!" He exclaimed. 

I sighed and shook my head before pulling away from him. 

"Harry, why do you care anyways?! You didn't even notice me until we were assigned to be partners for this stupid project, so why are you judging me?"

His expression went from worried, to angry as my words sunk into his brain.

"Look (Y/N)! Just because I didn't notice you before this doesn't mean I don't care!" 

"Well why do you care?! It's not like I mean anything to anyone anyways!" I cried as a silent tear rolled down my cheek. 

"(Y/N), listen." He said whilst attempting to wrap his arms around me.

I shook my head and pushed him away. 

"No, just leave me alone." and with that, I got up and ran into my room, slamming the door harshly in the process. 


As soon as (Y/N) left the room, I slumped into the seat and threw my book across the room.

Why is she so stubborn?

I was just trying to help. 

But then again, I guess some people don't want help. 

I sighed and started gathering my things, feeling stupid for trying to help. 

I made my way to where I threw my book and retrieved it from the floor. Just as I was about to walk back, a piece of crumpled paper caught my eye. 

Being the curious boy I am, I picked it up and read it. 

Dear (Y/N),

Stay away from Harry. Just because you got paired up with him, don't think anything is going to change. Harry is still my boyfriend, and if you make a move on him, you will regret it for life. Plus, why are you still alive? You're worthless and ugly. But I guess sometimes we have to let the losers have their turn right? See you at school... or not. (; 


Harry's girlfriend. 

I felt anger rush through me as I tore the paper apart, hating the fact that my "girlfriend" would threaten (Y/N) like that. 

Speaking of girlfriend, since when did I have one?!

A couple seconds later, I got up and slowly tiptoed to (Y/N)'s room ,where I heard silent sobs from inside. 

"(Y/N)? Can we please talk?" 

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