The Butterfly Project.

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Imagine, you and Harry have been best friends since you were kids, ever since he 'accidently' threw a paper airplane at you when you guys were 5. 


"(Y/N), stop fussing over your looks, you're gorgeous." His raspy voice spoke from the couch as I starred at myself in disgust. 

I shook my head in disbelief and abruptly tied my hair in a messy bun before linking arms with Harry and started our 15 minute journey to school. 

We talked aimlessly about everything as we walked until an unpleasant surprise showed up. 

"Hey Haz, want a ride to school? But only you, we have a no losers policy" An all too familiar voice smirked.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.

"Don't worry love, just keep walking, I'm not gonna leave you." He whispered as he grabbed my hand. 


"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you to class?" 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm used to it anyways, plus I don't want you to be late for Trig again, remember you got detention last time?" I reminded. 

He chuckled and shook his head, his curls bouncing up and down on his head. 

"It was worth it, I wouldn't want you to get hurt." 

A huge smile made it's way across my lips as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks Harry." 

He smiled into my hair and rubbed my back. 

"See you at lunch." and with that, we walked our separate ways. 

As soon as I set foot into the classroom, and just like any other day, everyone's eyes were glued to me. 

"Oh look it's the mayor of loserville." 

"why are you even here?" 

"go cut yourself."

"Jump off a cliff." 

"get away from her, you might catch her ugly." 

I knew I wasn't suppose to do this, but I took each insult to heart, making it harder to ignore them. 

"Guys, leave her alone, or she might kill herself and blame us, but we wouldn't mind, she's just a waste of space." 

A sigh emitted from my lips as I ran my hands through my hair.

'Just a few more months before graduation.... I can do this.' 


"And that concludes our lesson on world war 2. Our chapter exam will be tomorrow, so remember to study!" 

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