|6| Flippy shit.

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Girl, why aren't you in today??

I'm so sorry, ohmygod. My brothers gave me the day off, and we're out doing shiz.

Ooo, where?

PlayXtreme :)

Lucky ass bitch!

I'd say do you wanna join but then you probably wouldn't

Uhh hell yeah I do. Only if it's cool with your brothers

I look up from my phone. We just walked into the lazer tag part, and we're waiting on a worker to get us signed in and shit.

"Guys, can someone join?" I ask, and they turn to me.

"Yeah, of course. Who?" Benji asks.

"Mike," I reply. "I was meant to meet with him today, but I forgot."

"Go on then," Nathan smiles.

I'm surprised to hear any of that. My brothers have worked so hard on all of my 19 years on earth to make sure I never get a boyfriend, and the only boy contact I have is with the 4 I live with.

But that doesn't stop me. When Willow and I used to go out, we'd go to parties and gatherings with mine and her other friends.

But that's besides the point.

"Are you sure? It's not like ruining our day, is it?" I ask again. I get into overthinking mode at times. And one of those times is now.

"Of course not, this is your day, bitch," Frankie smiles at me, too.

"You aren't going to stop calling me bitch, are you?" I grin.

"It's our thing, girl!"

I hold back a laugh and look down at my phone again only to look up at them after .2 seconds.

"Are you -"

"Oh my fucking God," Grey groans at the same time Willow takes my phone.

"You like this dude. Invite him to hang out so the guys know him," she starts typing a reply.

I take my phone back before she types anything.

They're cool with it! Let's start this prank, baby.

Yay!! Already on my way, be there soon!

Just as I finish up texting Mike, a worker walks in and signs us in, gives us the rules and regulations, and then we gear up.

We put the vests on. There's a red and blue team. Me, Benji and Frankie are the red team, and the other three are the blue team.

We have two rounds of that, then a free for all round.

We split up, hiding behind big platforms and other stuff, then the buzzer on the guns buzzes, and we start.

"Stell, go to their base and hide, then just shoot. I'll be right behind," Frankie whispers. "Benjis distracting."

I nod and sneak around. I totally didn't ram into one of the walls. No.

But I make it to their base and hide behind a wall.

"You ran into the same wall twice. How stupid are you, Es?" I nearly shit my pants at the sound of Greys voice.

Okay, so I did. Twice. Who cares? Me. What the fuck that's embarrassing.

"Dick," I shoot his vest and he shoots back at mine.

I run out of the hiding spot and circle around to be behind him and I just catch him as he exits the same hiding spot.

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