Aren't Y'all...?

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Mano was out with Ari at the mall doing some shopping. He wanted to dedicate the day to just doing mundane things. That is one of the many things he is blessed about their relationship. Even things as miniscule as going out for groceries, things for the home, or clothing shopping never poses a problem between them. Yeah of course it can be boring or tedious, but he tries to focus on the fact that he's not alone doing it.

Ari had some clothes picked out that she wanted to try on. Kissing his cheek she told him that she'll be a bit and that she'll give him a call once she wraps up. She wants to be considerate that way he's not just waiting for her. On his way to the other side of the store to see at the furniture on sale he was stopped by a rep. "Hello! Need help with anything today?" Caught by surprise on how on point this employee felt to him he shook his head.

"No thanks, just burning time. Partner is in the changing rooms." He thought the conversation ended there and they were going to be on their way, but he was mistaken. "Oh! You're the young couple that I saw coming up on the escalator! You two look the cutest together!" Now off guard, was he witnessing someone fawning over his relationship with Ari...? "Um... I guess?" he thinks that they can't possibly be the only couple this employee saw.

The employee began detailing them and yeah... Mano and Ari were definitely what the employee was talking about. Then the employee was laser locked onto his hand. "Oh! She's your wife!" Holy crud are they nosy... but they didn't seem to be of harm. "Well we're engaged... but that's the goal." Squealing the employee asked another question, "How long have you two known each other?!" Mano had to second guess whether to answer so much of this person's questions.

"In total 4yrs..." he thought that they'd just ask another question, so quickly he adds, "2 as friends and going on 2 as a couple." The employees face changed to that of confusion as if they were processing the information Mano just gave. "Aren't y'all still young?" For a split second his eyes widen, but he shook his head "We're both in our late twenties." The employee wanted to say something else, but stopped themselves as they locked onto someone behind Mano.

"I'm back sugar hubby" Ari puts an arm around his waist, laying her head against him as she holds her bag of clothing purchases. "Sugar hubby?" the employee looks from Ari to Mano now in judgement. Mano glares at Ari, "You do know what you said implies SOMETHING ELSE?!" He raised his voice a bit more to emphasize his point.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I only said it because you're sweet like sugar and you're mine. That's all!" she gives him the biggest innocent smile she could muster. "Don't you play innocent... but thank you for the compliment..." He looks at the employee and gestures a goodbye to them, "Have a good rest of your day"

Once they made it to the first floor and out of the store into the main mall Ari tugged on him to stop. "What was that all about? I thought I had to square up with someone." Confused Mano tilted his head, "Um... you are aware that employee was a male right?" She glared at him and patted his head, "You're still so innocent..." Still not getting it Mano glared back at her, "What?"

"What I'm saying is that YOU, Mister, were speaking with someone that may or may not have been trying to take a shot at you!" It processes through Manos head and the realization hits him. "I'm more bugged that you assume that I role that way..." Ari groans rolling her eyes. "I'm not saying that you do, all I'm saying is be it male or female you're mine and they need to back off!"

He sighs, "You're a handful missy..." His words he would soon come to regret when Ari's lips curled like the Grinch when he planned on stealing Christmas. "I thought you liked having handfuls of me?" He can't be as expressive since they are in a public space, so he growls and snaps through his teeth. "Ari behave! We are out in public!"

She shrugs not caring in the slightest, "So? No one is hearing our conversation and if they were so what? They shouldn't be listening in, in the first place." He face palms taking in a deep breath and exhaling. Through that she just giggles loving to see how easy she can work him up. "You do know I just do it to bug you ya know?" He nods still with his hand covering his face.

She tugs him forward to have him walk with her, "C'mon we still have the rest of the mall to explore." Getting out of his mopey episode he follows her lead.

At a new store that opened up where they allow multiple pop up products from different vendors to rent spaces, Mano found himself picking up some odd clothing, local grown jams, and custom tumblers. He made his purchases and was looking for Ari to find her chatting with, what he assumed, was a rep of the store. He walked over to them and the male rep quieted down when he saw Mano near them.

Ari notices and takes the moment to introduce Mano to the owner of the business that was selling the custom tumblers the store had. "Oh? Well I bought a pair cause you don't see these sorta tumblers everyday." One tumbler had some nerdy yet inspirational quotes puff printed all over it. The other had puffed owl prints with quotes an owner of an owl would say. "Well I'm glad my business had designs that grabbed your attention. Your wife here-"

Mano immediately gave Ari a side eye when the business owner titled her as wife. The Business owner didn't notice it as he continued, "- she was just telling me how y'all are expecting? Is that right?" He seemed a little bewildered. Mano's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. Before Mano could speak Ari chimed in, "I'm sorry misspoke, we're expecting to save enough for the big day." Her smile radiating.

The business owner gave a light chuckle, "Oh okay my apologies. Forgive my assumptions, but the news stunned me because you two appear so young." Mano pinched Ari's side hidden behind the shopping bags he was carrying. "Right, well thank you for your time we'll be on our way!" Without even waiting on the business owner to respond properly he dragged Ari away. "Are you gunning for my heart or something?!"

Ari pouting, as if he's scolding her for no reason, rubbed where he pinched her. "Well ... you'll make for a great Papa!" she winked at him. "Ari for crying out loud..." he doesn't know why he even tries to argue with her. "I guess we should try..."

Ari's ears perked up hearing Mano say that. "W-wait what?" Mano looked at her with a expression that looked like he was saying 'Really?'. "You know what I'm talking about Ari..." And just as casually as he brought it up was just as casually as he walked away to head towards the food court. "N-no no no, you better elaborate mister!" Mano has never seen her get this flustered before.

"Ari really? C'mon?" he pulls out his phone to look up coupons for the joint they'll be eating at. "When we get home we can start kay?" Her mind was racing and she felt like a computer about to overload on a task. "Mano I swear! Be straight forward damn it!"

Hearing the shift in Ari's tone he stopped to face her. "Hun, I'm talking about that hibachi place that opened here. You know the one? You've been bringing it up ever since they opened." Her mouth jerked as if she wanted to speak, but no words were coming out only studders, "Y-y-y-you..." He laughs to her reaction but also he was secretly very proud of himself.

"What did you think I meant?"

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