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The doorbell rang throughout Ari's home. It rang and rang and rang when a groggy Mano answered the door. He barely opened it when his raspy, I just woke up, voice threatened the person that was jamming the doorbell, "I will end you..." Laughter was the response that met Mano, "Well answer the door sooner and it wouldn't have happened, don't you think?"

Mano recognized that voice as when he was trying to rub the sand out of his eyes, "Dom?!" The ex of Ari nodded as if glad he was recognized. "In the flesh man" that is when his eyes seem to lock onto someone behind Mano. "Mano-pup... who's here...?" a very sleepy, half awake, Ari spoke up. She was in a morning gown with one of the sleeves so far down her arm it was showing a little too much of her skin.

It looked like Dom was adding two and two together seeing how thrown together Ari looked and how disheveled Mano looked. "Did I um... interrupt something?" he was fighting to crack a smile, but he was also looking conflicted. Mano catching his drift looked back at Ari seeing how she looked quite revealing yet he can't get mad at her. He's used to this from her and it is her home, so it's her rules. Sighing over to her he fixes her sleeve, kisses her cheek, and whispers into her ear "It's Dom."

She felt a sense of embarrassment, cheeks tainted in red, acknowledging her ex at the door, "No you didn't interrupt anything... We just had a night, but what are you doing here?" Dom seeing her getting defensive he explains himself, "Just wanted to see you before the big day." Confused Mano looked between Dom and Ari. Ari met Dom with confusion, "Big day?"

"Aren't y'all getting married or something?" he rests against the door frame with a raised brow. "Or are those rings for show?" Ari and Mano traded looks realizing what he meant. "Okay yes, but that's still not until much further into our future" Mano shared with him. Walking towards the kitchen, "Coffee?" Not hesitating on the invitation he walks in closing the door behind him. This doesn't sit well with Ari, so to not be stuck with Dom she goes after Mano.

"What are you doing inviting him in for coffee?" she questions her fiancé. He was wiping some mugs and preparing the coffee, "I thought you put it behind you?" Ari groans, "Okay yes I did, but that still doesn't mean 'Hey lets invite my ex into my home to share a cup of coffee with my current lover!' behind me?!" Mano is heating up the milk and getting the sugar ready, if Doms a sugar kind of guy, "I'm sorry then, but it'll be weird to just kick him out then after I invited him in." Facing her he pets her head and kisses her forehead, "It'll just be coffee and he'll be gone love..."

Ari sighs as she really doesn't like the idea of possibly having breakfast with the guy. "Be lucky that you're here... I wouldn't even have had him step one foot in-" Suddenly the sounds of flapping and Dom yelling reached their ears. No words were traded as they dashed out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was. It looked like a scene out of Tom and Jerry. Dom was running all over Ari's living room being chased down by Hagrid. Shrieking he readied his talons to pierce into Dom's back, but he ducked behind Ari's couch. "Hagrid is out for blood!" Dom shouts.

Ari hesitated on whether she should help or not. "I don't think I should intervene... Hagrid has a thing or two to get off his chest." Mano shrugged an elbow into her, "Don't be like that! Hagrid is looking like he means to actually harm the guy!" Ari glared at Mano, but he hates the fact he behaves like her conscious. Looking back at Hagrid who was pecking into a pillow Dom was using to defend himself she calls out to him, "Hagrid! ... I think he got your message."

Hearing her he eases up and gives off a final sassy hoot before flying over to her and perched himself onto her shoulder. Dom, with his heart racing, stands up putting the torn up pillow back down onto the couch. "S-sorry, I'll get you a new couch pillow..." He takes a minute to catch his breath. "He.... He really doesn't like me." Ari scoffs walking back into the kitchen saying under her breath, "Why would he?"

Dom didn't catch what she said, but he most certainly caught the attitude. His expression straightened, "Mano can we hold off on the coffee? I just wanted to say hi anyway. I know the way out." And with that he went on his way out closing the front door behind him. "What in the heck happened here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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