thirtythree: nothing's new

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Alex's POV

Ever since her brothers caught her puking, she started isolating herself from everyone, even me.

I tried texting her, calling her, going to her house but she always kept quiet and zoned out.

Her brothers didn't know what to do anymore.

I didn't want to give up on her, I'd never. But I was out of ideas.

I also noticed her skinny frame and her deep red and white cuts.

I thought she was getting better, I really did.

And it was summer- making it worse. She was supposed to be enjoying it, living her life with her friends, which she doesn't even have. She should be a normal teenager.

Today I went to her house again, I quietly sat next to where she was laying down on her bed, I stroked her hair and kissed her head.

"Baby..I'm so worried, please talk to me" I said softly, kissing her knuckles.

Her eyes looked up at me tiredly and emptily, I was tearing up.

"I want to die" was all she whispered, it made me burst crying and hug her body.

She didn't react, just let her head hit my shoulder as I held onto her while sobbing "No baby- don't say that, please. I need you.." my voice cracked as I whispered hoarsely.

"What do you want? What do you n-need to be happy? Baby I'll do it. Anything. How can I make you happy again..?" I asked while putting my forehead against hers.

"Kill me" she whispered with a firm face.

"What..? Baby- baby you're not ok.." I said while holding her tighter.

"Alex- kill me or I'll do it myself"

"Luna-" I cried even louder in her shoulder "You can't say stuff like that! Please! You need to live- hang out with friends-" "I don't have friends" she cut me off.

"What about Joshua, Nick and the others?"

"They're your friends- I know them just because I follow you like a lost puppy"

" need help, baby. You're not need to see someone again.."

"I'm fine. I just really want to disappear" she mumbled while looking down.

I looked at her and then around her room, i froze when I saw her box of razors in a corner, hidden under her desk.

I got up and took them out of there.

"Luna..what the f#ck is this?" I asked slightly loudly, not that I intended to.

"What do you think it is?" She snapped.

"You need help! You can't- I don't want you to kill your self- Luna please, you're not ok!"

"I'm fine! No one would care anyways!"

"Oh so me and your brothers are no ones now?!?"

"Just- leave- I'm fine!"

MY OLDER BROTHERS | by lvxmityWhere stories live. Discover now