thitynine: creep

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Luna's POV

I had some trouble sleeping.

I was scared that my uncle would do something, but he looked like he changed.


I even called Alex and talked with him for a while, he said he'll come back home tomorrow, and I was happy about that.

I finally managed to fall asleep, but soon, at 2AM, I was awoken by the door of my room opening.

I groaned and buried my head in my pillow, thinking it was one of my brothers "Go awayyyy, let me sleep" I mumbled tiredly, keeping my eyes closed.

I felt my bed sink a little, I was too tired to talk.

Maybe the warm milk I drank before going to bed made me drowsier.

But little did I know that it was drugged.

I managed to open my eyes a little "U-uncle..?" I whispered tiredly, for some reason I didn't freak out or yell, I felt almost medicated, sleepy.

"Shh, love. Let me take care of you" he whispered while guiding my eyes to shut again.

I felt him get the blankets off of me, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head.

I couldn't react, I felt trapped in some sort of trance.

My eyes were half open as he lifted my shirt and lowered my sweatpants.

"Stop.." I mumbled weakly, realising what he was doing but all strength and energy had left me.

"Shh..keep that beautiful mouth closed"

I started crying silently as he touched me everywhere. From head to toe, not missing a spot.

I tried to scream but my voice was too weak.

"Please.." I begged while he started unbuttoning his shirt.

He kissed me everywhere, making me cry even more.

After probably an hour of torture, the drug had worn off, I could speak and fight back.

I started pushing him off of me, him groaning and getting angrier by the second.

I tried running away but he pinned my leg down and inserted a needle in my arm, making me scream loudly.

It was 3AM.

Liam's POV

I heard loud screaming and woke up. I quickly stood up and ran to where it came from.

I saw all of my brothers, mom and dad were standing behind, trying to pick the lock on Luna's door open.

"F#ck it!" Noah yelled before kicking the door open.

I saw our uncle.

Standing over Luna as she cried and fought his grip.

MY OLDER BROTHERS | by lvxmityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt