Chapter 1

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Hot shot is five years old. He lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. He was born to them five years ago and they love him very much. They all live in Fort Worth Texas. They all live a happy life there in Fort Worth. They all love and care about each other very much.

His father Heatwave is a firefighter. He is very brave and strong. He helps people everyday. He does a lot of rescues to save lives everyday. He has taught his son all about fire safety. He wanted to help keep his young son safe from harm. He loves his wife dearly and loves his son very much. He was a very good father and husband. He was also good to his friends too.

Quickshadow is a stay at home mother. She comes from a very wealthy family. She takes good care of the house. She makes sure it stays in order and Hot shot was taken care of. She runs errands for the house. She takes Hot shot where he needs to go. She loves her husband dearly and loves her son very much. She is a very good mother and wife. She is also very good to her friends too.

Hot shot is very kind and smart little boy. He is also a highly active little boy too. Hot shot loves to run, jump, climb and play. He loves to do sports too. He is not one who will sit still and do nothing. Hot shot enjoys to be on the move. Hot shot plays tee ball, he plays soccer, he does martial arts and he does gymnastics too. He loves to ride his bike, he loves to roller skate, and he loves to jump on his trampoline. Hot shot also loves video games too. Hot shot is hoping to have some friends very soon. Hot shot really doesn't have any kids his own age on his street to play with.

Life is going well for them. They didn't know how things could ever go wrong. But things can change, and they can change in a heartbeat. This type of change isn't easy, it can either break you or make you stronger.

It was almost June and Hot shot soon noticed he wasn't feeling well. Hot shot woke up with a really bad headache. It was very painful and like an intense pressure. Hot shot was wondering why he had a headache.

Hot shot came into the kitchen for breakfast.

Hot shot also felt sick to his stomach too. Hot shot didn't each much of his breakfast.

"You okay son?" Heatwave asked. "You hardly touched your breakfast," he said.

"My head hurts and so does my tummy," Hot shot said.

Quickshadow felt his forehead. "Hmm I you don't have fever," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot then looked green.

"Son are alright?" Heatwave asked. "You are looking kind of green," he said.

Hot shot then threw up on the floor. "Ugh," Hot shot said. "Sorry," he said.

"It's okay," Quickshadow said. "Go rest on the couch and I will clean this up," she said. "I will get you some ginger tea to ease your stomach," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot laid down on the couch feeling sick to his stomach and his head was pounding. Hot shot rested on the couch to relax. His mother came over with some ginger tea and some medicine for his headache. Hot shot took the medicine and sipped at the tea.

Hot shot's headache persisted as the days went by. Hot shot was also still vomiting often. Hot shot was also kind of cranky which was not normal for him at all. Hot shot was normally very happy and sweet, and rarely got angry. But now it seems he gets more upset easily. Hot shot was also not as active as he normally is either and very tired too.

"I feel sick," Hot shot said and vomited once more. "My head feels like it's going to explode," he said.

"I am very worried Heatwave," Quickshadow said.

"I am too," Heatwave said. "Whatever Hot shot's problem is, it is not going away it is getting worse quickly over the passed couple of days," he said. "I have a bad feeling something is very wrong," he said.

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