Chapter 7

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Hot shot was getting treatment for a brain tumor. He was doing well with his treatment. Hot shot was remaining strong through out the whole thing. His parents were very proud of their son. 

Hot shot was getting lots of support from family and family friends. Hot shot was soon going to go in for his second and hopefully last brain surgery to remove the tumor. So far from the scans it shown the tumor has shrunk majorly and it looked like the rest could be removed. It also looked like the places where it might have spread were also going away quickly. It was good that his cancer was responding well to treatment.

Hot shot was packing to go to the hospital for his surgery. Hot shot packed comfy clothes, his slippers, his tablet, a couple of toys, a few hats, his favorite blanket from his bed, a couple of stuffed animals including Roxy rhino, a couple of books and a picture of him with his parents. Hot shot was now ready to go to the hospital.

Hot shot was now in the car ready to go. Hot shot was kind of nervous but not that nervous. Hot shot knew this surgery was going to help. They were going to open up the area where his scar was to get to his brain tumor so there was going to be fresh set of staples on his head when he wakes up.

Hot shot got out of the car once it was parked. He took his father's hand and they went right inside. Hot shot was being checked over by the nurses to make sure everything was alright. Hot shot's belly growled he hadn't anything to eat since dinner last night. He had to have an empty stomach for surgery.

Hot shot then got to meet with the anesthesiologist. "How would you like your medicine air to smell this time Hot shot?" the anesthesiologist asked.

"Cupcake this time," Hot shot said.

"Okay then," the anesthesiologist said.

Hot shot was then wheeled into the OR. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino. Hot shot was now on the OR bed. Hot shot soon had the mask on his face and took deep breathes. The cupcake air smelled very yummy. Hot shot soon fell asleep. Then the doctors went right to work at removing the remainder of the tumor. 

"There we got the whole thing out."  Dr. Perl said. "I see no remaining tumor any where, it is all clear," she said. "Now Hot shot's tumor is gone," she said.

Then Dr. Perl closed up Hot shot's head once again. Then she placed another bandage on Hot shot's head. Hot shot was soon in the ICU.

Hot shot was sleeping comfortably in the ICU. Hot shot then began to wake up in the ICU. Hot shot saw his parents. His head hurt and he was a bit unaware of what happened. He felt kind of tired too.

"Hot shot you did well during the surgery," Quickshadow said.

"The doctors managed to get out the rest of tumor," Heatwave said.

Dr. Perl and Dr. Ingi checked on Hot shot. "You are doing just fine Hot shot," Dr. Ingi said. "You will soon be feeling more like yourself in a few days," she told him.

"Hi," Hot shot said. 

Hot shot rested in the ICU for a couple of days. Hot shot was a little weak but he started to build up his strength again. He was doing really well. Now he was able to move to the oncology ward. Hot shot was happy to be there. Hot shot saw his friends were there too also recovering from brain surgery.

Hot shot was so happy to see them. Hot shot was able to get a few chemotherapy treatments while staying there for a few weeks because Hot shot was rather weak and tired. He also came in contact with a patient who had an active infection so they wanted to keep an eye on him.

Hot shot was doing really well. Hot shot was hoping to go home again soon. 

Then about three weeks later Hot shot was able to go home. Hot shot was happy to be back home again.

Hot shot was still getting treatment for his brain tumor over the next few months. So far so good. Today they were visiting to get the news from the previous tests and scans.

"I have some very good news," Dr. Ingi said. "Hot shot's scans and tests for the past four months have come back clean and they have remained clean all this time no sign of the tumor coming back or any cancer cells in the spinal fluid at all," she said. "Hot shot beat cancer," she said.

"I beat my brain tumor fire," Hot shot said.

"You sure did," Dr. Ingi said. "You are still going to get chemotherapy for a few more weeks," she said. "It is just to be on the safe side, then you can focus on recovering after that," she said. "You will still need to see me and the team for tests and scans to be sure you remain cancer free," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot found out his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge have also beaten their brain tumors.

Finally in November Hot shot got to ring the bell. Hot shot was so happy. He and his friends missed out on the first part of kindergarten because of the cancer treatment now they could go back to school full time. He was very happy about this.

Hot shot was soon going to be in for a surprise. In July he was going to get his wish. Hot shot saw all the puppy supplies. "Here is your puppy," the lady said. "It's a little boy," she said.

"He's so cute," Hot shot said. 

"Have you decided on a name?" the lady asked.

"Fireplug," Hot shot said.

"Fireplug that is a nice name," the lady said.

They put the name tag on the new collar. Hot shot was very happy to have his new puppy. Over the coming weeks Hot shot felt his strength returning. He was also forming a close bond with Fireplug. Both of them were playing together and having fun.

Hot shot was able to play sports again. Having a brain tumor didn't hinder his ability to play sports at all. Hot shot over the years had many checks. He hasn't had a tumor or cancer reoccurrence. He was remaining healthy and strong. He still spends time with his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge who are also remaining brain tumor free since beating their brain tumors.

Hot shot was growing into a fine man. He even found a woman who he fell in love with and got married. They even had a baby girl named Emberstar. Hot shot was now a star player for the Texas Rangers. Hot shot often visited the hospital that saved his life as a child to let the children know he cares and they are not alone. 

Hot shot still remembers his brain tumor journey. He shared his story on the pediatric brain tumor foundation to let kids know they can still do sports despite being a brain tumor survivor. He also supports the pediatric brain tumor foundation being on of their stars and will help them just as they help his family with support.

Hot shot will never forget that time in his life. For it was time of bad and good times which he will always remember.

Cook Children's Little Firefighter and Best Friends Vs Brain Tumor FireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora