Chapter 6

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Hot shot was receiving treatment for a brain tumor. Hot shot had been in the hospital for nearly two months. Today Hot shot was going to receive radiation and another session of chemotherapy. Hot shot was starting to get used to it. 

Hot shot was heading to the part of the hospital to receive his radiation therapy. Hot shot was ready for it too.

He was waiting in the waiting room for it and ready to face his brain tumor head on once more. Hot shot was playing with his friends and the other kids in the waiting room. They were all having a lot of fun. 

"Hot shot," the nurse said. It was Hot shot's turn now, Hot shot went back holding Roxy the rhino tightly. 

Hot shot laid down on the table and the mask was put over his head. Hot shot held on tightly to Roxy and the bed moved into position. Then the machine started to move into position too. Then the machine whirred and it took 15 minutes before it was finished. "Okay Hot shot you are all done," the tech said.

Hot shot was happy to be done for the day. Now Hot shot was going to get his chemotherapy. Hot shot was feeling the side effects of both treatments. He was feeling tired and sick from it. Hot shot was now getting his chemotherapy. Hot shot was able to do what he wanted while getting chemotherapy.

Hot shot was able to walk around the hospital during the chemotherapy treatment. It helped him get to know some of the people who worked in the hospital. It also helped him get to know some of the patients in the hospital too. Hot shot also got to spend time with his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge that way. Hot shot was happy to get to know his friends better too.

Hot shot soon noticed after his chemotherapy his hair was starting to fall out. It was falling out in clumps. Hot shot was very surprised at how fast his hair was falling out. 

Then the next morning when Hot shot woke up he was completely bald. He even lost his eye brows and and eye lashes too. Hot shot was surprised to say the least. But he did  know it was going to happen. He was just surprised how fast it happened.

"It sure fell out fast," Hot shot said.

"When and how quickly your hair falls out is different for everyone Hot shot," Dr. Ingi said. "You lost all of your hair really fast, while other kids it falls out slowly, and other kids only lose a little bit of hair." she said. "Some kids like you lose all their hair really fast," she said. "It is different from person to person," she told him. "So try not worry about it too much," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was eager to try on the hat his mummy made for him. Hot shot put the hat on it was nice and soft. It was very comfortable on his head. His grandmum and granny sent hats they made too. Hot shot had hats of many colors and patterns. Hot shot was happy eager to wear them all. Hot shot liked the hats a lot.

Hot shot was hoping to go home soon but he was going to have to wait for that.

Hot shot was approached by Penny the child life specialist. "Hot shot qualifies for a wish from the make a wish foundation," Penny said.

Hot shot was going to get a wish. Hot shot got to meet with a lady from the Make a wish foundation. "Hello Hot shot, you can wish to be something you want to be, you can wish go some place you always wanted to go, you can wish to meet someone you always wanted to meet, or wish to have something you really want, or wish to give back," the lady said. "There are very many things to wish for," she said. "You just got to know what you really want, because you get one wish and you got to make it count," she said.

Hot shot was thinking for a bit. There were many things he had in mind that he would like to do, like to go, like meet or have. Hot shot was thinking and he was thinking really hard. The one thing Hot shot was wanting at the moment was a puppy. "I want a puppy," Hot shot said.

"I figured you would wish for that," Heatwave said. "You have been asking for a puppy since you were 4 years old," he said. "But if you wish for a puppy we have to decide what kind of dog it should be," he said.

"Your father is right there are all kinds of dog breeds and we need to find the one that is best for you and our family," Quickshadow said.

"I want one that I can really play with, like run around and have fun with it," Hot shot said. "I want a puppy I can play with," he said. 

"Well then we need a puppy that can handle your energy," Heatwave said. 

"There are a lot of breeds that love to run around," Quickshadow said.

"Are dalmatians one of those dogs who love to run and play?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes Dalmatians are dogs who love to run and play," Heatwave said. 

"That is what I want," Hot shot said.

"Well seeing how active our child is even during treatment and how active our family currently is we almost always moving around and doing some sort of activity where we are on the move," Quickshadow said. 

"So it looks like we found already what our boy wants and suites our family," Heatwave said.

"Okay I think Hot shot will be happy to have his Dalmatian," the lady said.

Hot shot was happy about soon getting his wish. Hot shot was hoping to have a wonderful life with the puppy he will get. Now he just has to wait for it.

Hot shot was doing well int the hospital and he was soon going to be heading home. Hot shot was looking forward to going home. 

Hot shot was busy packing his stuff. Hot shot was super excited be going home. He even had his mask from radiation therapy he finished his last radiotherapy treatment the day before and was now able to take his mask home. Hot shot was now all packed and ready to head home.

"Hot shot you will still need to come for chemotherapy, tests, scans and check ups a bunch of times," Dr. Ingi said. "You also might need to come and stay here for a while if you are near someone who has a been sick or get a fever or in a lot of pain, you also have another surgery coming up in a couple of weeks and will have stay after that for a while," she said. "So you have a long road a head of you," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I am going to beat my brain tumor fire," he said.

"I have a feeling that you will," Dr. Ingi said hugging Hot shot.

Hot shot was now back home. Hot shot was happy to be back in his own bed. He missed his old room and was getting help at setting up his new stuff with his parent's help. Hot shot was hoping soon he was going to beat his brain tumor fire.

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