Chapter 5

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Hot shot was going through treatment for his brain tumor. He was getting another session of chemotherapy today. He was feeling tired after his last session yesterday. But the doctor assured him it was normal. 

He was hoping to feel better very soon. He was tired of feeling sick. He was hoping to go home soon. He had been in the hospital for a while. He was wanting to sleep in his own bed. His was wanting to be home with his mother and father and in his own bed.

"I want to go home," Hot shot said.

"I know you do, you just have to wait," Quickshadow said. "It is going to be awhile until you are able to go home Hot shot," she told him. "You have only been here for a month, Dr. Ingi said you need to stay here for at least three months," she told him. "So it is going to be awhile before that time is up, there is also a chance you might need to stay longer," she said.

"I know I just want to go home," Hot shot said.

"I know you do," Quickshadow said. "Your father and I want you home as well," she said. "But we can't take you home yet, so please try to be patient," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Then nurse came into the room with the medicine to help with the side effects of the chemotherapy. "Okay Hot shot here is the medicine you need to take," the nurse said.

Hot shot took his medicine without a fight. "Yucky," Hot shot said. Hot shot also took his corticosteroids. Hot shot wasn't to happy about that either. But he took his medicine like he was told so he could get better. Hot shot was hoping soon this problem with cancer would be over soon.

Hot shot was wondering about many things down the road. He was wondering how long he was going to need treatment. He was wondering how long he was going to be sick. He was wondering when he was going to be better. So it was a lot of wondering going on.

Hot shot soon saw the nurse come with the bags of medicine. Hot shot was ready for it to be set up for him too. Once the nurse washed her hands she set up the pump with the medicine and then washed her hands again. Then she hooked up the line to his Hickman and started the pump.

Hot shot was able to do things while the medicine dripped into his body. Hot shot was able to play. He was able to watch videos. He was able to have his lunch and go to the play room. Hot shot was back in his room when the pump bleeped. 

The nurse disconnected the medicine and Hot shot was able to rest after that. Hot shot felt pretty tired after the medicine went in.

Hot shot wanted to rest now. "I am tired," Hot shot said.

"That is to be expected," the nurse told him. "Chemotherapy can make you feel very tired and sleepy," she explained. "It can also make you feel sick too," she explained.

"That is why I feel kind of sick to my tummy?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes," the nurse said. "You might also throw up sometimes too," she said. "You will soon be starting your radiation therapy too." she told him. 

"Wow," Hot shot said. "Does this mean I get to use the mask I made?" he asked.

"Yes," the nurse said. "The doctors now have decided on your radiation treatment, which type of radiation to give you, how long each session should be, and how long you are going to get for a certain number of weeks," she said. 

"Ah," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was having dinner at the moment when Heatwave came in. "Hello I am here for my shift," Heatwave said.

"Daddy," Hot shot said.

"Hello son," Heatwave said. "I am going to be with you all day tomorrow," he said.

"I am going to go home for a while and take care of things there," Quickshadow said. "I will be back as soon as I can," she said.

"Bye Mummy, come back soon," Hot shot said.

"I love you Hot shot," Quickshadow said kissing him.

"I love you too Mummy," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen next. Hot shot was sleeping in his hospital room. Hot shot was wondering what radiation treatment was going to be like. He knew of the side effects from what Dr. Ingi described. 

The morning Hot shot woke up bright and early. Hot shot had his blood tested and then he had his breakfast. After breakfast Hot shot was taken to the the radiology clinic. Hot shot was going to get his first radiation treatment.

Hot shot was holding Roxy the Rhino. Hot shot was very nervous but ready to get his treatment done. Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen to say the least. He was hoping it was going to be just fine.

Hot shot was with many of the other kids who were there to get radiation treatment. Hot shot saw his friends were there too. Hot shot smiled at them and they smiled at him.

Hot shot was kind of nervous but ready for it. Hot shot began to play with his friends to get his mind of being worried.

Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said.

Hot shot headed back with the nurse. Hot shot was kind of nervous. "Hot shot the radiation therapy isn't going to hurt," the nurse said. "You just have to remember to stay still," she told him. "It is very important for you to stay still," she reminded him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was then taken into a big room with a big machine. Hot shot laid down on the bed. Then the mask was put over his head. "Okay Hot shot we are moving your bed into position," the tech said.

Then the bed was in position. "Okay Hot shot we are about to get the machine in position," the tech said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

The machine moved into position. Now Hot shot was ready for his radiation therapy session. "Okay Hot shot you need to stay as still as possible," the tech reminded him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

The radiation therapy machine started after the tech left the room. Then the machine started and it was making a whirring noise. Hot shot stayed very still during the session. Hot shot got to listen to music as the therapy session was going on. 

Then after 15 minutes the therapy session was over. "Okay Hot shot you are all done for today," the tech said.

"Awesome," Hot shot said.

Then once back in his room Hot shot received more chemotherapy. Hot shot was able to relax while the medicine dripped in. His father was with him the whole time. Hot shot was happy to have his father with him. 

Then after lunch the machine bleeped and the nurse disconnected the pump. "Okay Hot shot you will get a rest from chemotherapy for week and then a week after that more chemotherapy," the nurse told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"Very good," the nurse said. "You are doing well so far so just be strong okay?" she said. 

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"Good now try to rest up for a while okay?" the nurse said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Now Hot shot could rest he was very tired from all of that. He was looking forward to resting from chemo. But he would still need to go to radiation while resting for chemotherapy. So it was still a long road ahead.

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