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"We have to hurry Lori. You're taking far too long." The words were spoken with haste, from someone with far too much to lose.

"Oh calm down N. We'll be out of here in a jiffy. You just need to hold the rope steady and look pretty" the other spoke with much less concern about being caught. Both females, but with two very different ideals and plans.

"Alright, pull me up!" The individual so called 'Lori' called out. From where..? That was less obvious. It was the dead of night, the only illumination being from the cloud covered moon. The stars were dim, and the street lamps were mostly blown out, or the glass was so frosted over and cracked that the light was hardly visible.

The lady holding the rope pulled up on it, dragging the other woman upwards and out of the window from the house. The house they were robbing. When she finally got hauled up, she frantically climbed to her feet. A wide grin stretched across her face.

"Nora. We. Hit. The. JACKPOT" Lori was shushed by Nora.

"Shut up Lorien- we don't need you waking up the rest of the town. Just take along what you looted and let's go" Nora replied with a glare. Lorien rolled her eyes but complied with the request.

They grabbed all their things and then made their way down the paved path until they arrived to their.. 'carriage'. It was more-so just mostly rotten boards held together with crooked nails. But it held them and their loot, so it worked.

"Shall we head on our way now my dear Nora?" Lorien asked with a sly grin, nudging her partner in the side lightly. Nora pushed her arm away with a scowl on her face.

"Let's just get a move on Lori. We don't want anybody finding us." Nora was big on efficiency. Getting in, and getting out. That was major. Lorien was more of a.. free spirit so to speak. She took whatever she could get her hands on, and did whatever it took to get away.

"Alright, let's go then N" Lorien whistled and the horses pulled them down the road as she raked her hands through the treasures they had just gotten away with.

"Now this- this is some good shit" Nora smacked her

"Hey! We're both adults here" Lorien rolled her eyes, Nora acted like such a mother.

"Both adults? Really? I thought you were a child. You sure act like it" Lorien scoffed at her answer. They were always having these small fights with one another. But they both found it supremely fun to do.

"If you're calling me a child, then that means you've kissed o-"

"NO! No, no, no. Don't finish that, we both know it's not what I meant" Lorien won this little squabble.. for now

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