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"Wake up." A crash was heard followed by a yelp of discomfort. Nora had poured a bucket of water over Lorien's head to wake her up.

"What the hell! I told you to stop doing that.." Lorien grumbled under her breath as she squeezed the water from her hair. Not that there was a lot of it. Just enough to be considered suitable for when they went out in the day and saw other people.

"That's the only way you wake up when you need to be" Nora just shrugged it off and walked towards their closet. Their home was small, but it was home. Quiet and comforting. Far from the rest of the wreckage called society. They were safe.. free.

"What do I even need to be awake at this time for?" Lorien was still going on about being woken up. Nora shot her a glare.

"Did you seriously forget about our big heist? That I've been setting up- for months!" Nora ran her hands through her hair, attempting to calm herself. Her hair was always longer than Lorien's. She didn't always like it, but Lorien would braid her hair whenever one of them got stressed. And Nora wasn't going to take that from Lorien.

So without saying anything, Nora sat on the edge of the bed near Lorien. And she started braiding Nora's hair. It was almost a ritual at this point. Nora relaxing, tense shoulders easing and falling. Contact between two individuals who only had each other.

"You know I love you, right?" Nora questioned in a calmer tone, soothing. She always feared that with her brash demeanor that Lorien would think she didn't love her anymore.

"I always will, you need to stop worrying Nora. It'll make your hair fall out, Lorien snickered, "and then what will I braid?" Nora rolled her eyes and sighed, but she leaned backwards onto Lorien. Resting her head on the other girls shoulder.

"Thank you" Lorien just hummed in response as she kept braiding.

"How about I teach you to braid? That way when I'm asleep, you don't have to wake me up with water. And it can still help calm you." Lorien's voice was hushed as she spoke, as if something louder than a whisper would break all they had built together.

"I guess, I'm not a very fast learner though." Nora replied with a sigh as she sat up, turning to face Lorien.

"I know you're not," Lorien replied with a cheeky grin, "but that's the fun of it! We get to spend more time together" Nora shrugged, she loved spending time with Lorien, but she had a lot more on her mind right now.

"We still need to head to that 'Royal Gala'. Or whatever is set for tonight. They've always got all their riches on display to show off" Nora ran her hand over her now braided hair as she stood up.

"I've already picked out the dresses, since I know you're not particularly fond of them. I think I chose something you'll like" Nora extended a hand for Lorien to take, helping her up and off of the bed.

Nora told Lorien to cover her eyes, and she did. Nora led her through the small winding corridors of their home until they made it into Nora's workshop.

"Okay, open." Nora let go of Lorien's hand as she uncovered her eyes.

"Woah- all right, I can see the interest in dresses now" Lorien remarked. She let out a huff of breath as she ran her hands over the fabric. Rubbing it in-between her fingers.

"Mesh on the very bottom train, silk over top. Sleeveless, I know you can't stand sleeves. I made a specific.. shape. For the bodice" Nora explained as Lorien took in the dress.

"A butterfly.." a small smile washed over Lorien's features. "My favorite"

"I know it is- and! There's a matching butterfly masquerade mask to go with it" Nora was big on dresses, she loved making them, wearing them, anything about them. And Lorien loved listening to all her little rants about different types of fabric and stitches.

"It's gorgeous. Thank you Nora" Lorien put a hand on Nora's cheek, looking at her with the utmost affection in her eyes. She kissed Nora on the tip of her nose and then stepped away.

"Let's get ready then."

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