thought process

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I know I want to make this fantasy centered. I don't know what time period I want it set in yet, so I'll have to do some research on that.

I know for sure that I want Nora and Lorien to be thiefs. I'm giving more thoughts as to what I want them to look like.

I'm feeling like for storyline that I start it off with a small job introducing the characters. Then a bigger job where it goes more into depth about their relationship and why they steal.

I know damn well that I want one of them to die at the end, sorry for the spoiler 🙄

I'm not going to tell you who though. So that's a surprise. I want there to be royalty, because I want Nora and Lorien to have to go to a royal gala to steal their things. Also because I want to describe pretty dresses.

I want them to get caught. Maybe not both of them, I'll think about it. The punishment for their crimes will be punishable by death. For funzies.

Hope y'all enjoy my work process throughout this. And as always..


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