non-important A/N

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I just checked the 'based on genres you love' thing. I'm surprised yet not surprised to see that MOTHERFUCKIN SPENCER REID IS MOST OF THEM

I have issues regarding that man. Love him to death, am depressed about him not being in the newest season of Criminal Minds.. but he might be coming back, hopefully.

I'm done ranting about him, for now. I'm writing a book about him for a reason 😭 I'm down bad for this man. He's got me in a chokehold and I am not tapping out. Okay, sorry, I'm done.


My bad, I said I was done.
✋😪🖕 Whatatatttaa, who put that there??!!

Okay, fr this time, I'm done.

I'm a liar, check out my Spencer Reid book and give my dumbass feedback. I beg of thee 😭😩

It's got the Y/N dialogue as mostly just my impulsive and intrusive thoughts 💃 like when I asked my dad one day "if I just stick my hand in the oven when it's on.. how badly do you think I'd get burned?"

Him in his tired state because it was like 3AM (crazy ik) said "like a first degree burn..?" I said "oh- okay that's not too bad. I've gotten worse from sparklers" I was ready to stick my hand in that bitch.

"Wait! No, third degree burn, it's hot" like damn, ruining my vibe over here. Kind of disappointed because I don't feel like getting a burn so bad I can't use my hand and have to pay for the doctor to tell me I'm stupid and to fix it.

I'm getting off track, this is like me just talking irl but I'm writing down all my thoughts, this is how I'd tell the story, getting more off topic.


I proceeded to debate the risks "I meannn three iiissss my favorite number.." horrible reasoning really. This was like a month ago by the way. Probably less, I didn't end up getting my hand toasty roasty 😪

That's the story, that there was no need for- it's like cosplaying a character that there's no demand for. I really want to see M.KO from the show Glitch Techs to be cosplayed.. But I'm broke and lazy and I haven't seen any of them yet.

Okay I'm done with my rant, this was a useless read.. if you did read it. Dunno 🤷

If anybody reads my books anymore, mehh

OH, anybody interested who likes music should definitely follow my Spotify, I won't give the link unless you want it because I'm lazy unless somebody cares about it.

Next chapter for this school project will come out later today, luv ya 💃💅💜🤭

Crazy classy emojis ik

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