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Once they got fully dressed up Lorien decided to teach Nora how to braid, it's what she wanted her hair to look like for this.

"Okay, 3 strands, alright?" Nora nodded, she had the strands of hair, it was parted fairly well. "Now put one over the middle, it doesn't matter which. And keep repeating that." Nora was fairly good at following the instructions.

Lorien was demonstrating on her own hair as well as talking Nora through it. Soon enough Nora had her hair in two braids. Not perfect, but better than her first attempt. Which went horribly.

Nora sighed as she looked in the mirror, taking in her appearance. She had Lorien help her put flowers in some parts of the braids. Her dress flowed down her body, cinched tight in some areas to accentuate her body. The bodice was sparkly, she made the dress, she made all her clothes actually.

"You look gorgeous dove" Lorien stood behind Nora, placing her arms around her lover's waist, her chin resting on the lady's shoulder. Lorien placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Stop being so lovey dovey. We need to go soon. It's already getting dark out, the gala will be starting soon" Lorien shrugged.

"Suit yourself, I'm ready to go. Let's get our steal on" a kid-like grin was plastered onto Lorien's face.

"Never say that again" Nora rolled her eyes at the strange catchphrase, but she couldn't bury the smile that graced her lips.

Once they pulled themselves together they made their way to their broken down excuse of a ride. And then they were off, ready for the biggest job of their lives. Not that it was really a job, but it was their heist. Something nobody had ever accomplished before. But they were going to.

"Why did the 'Royals' feel the need to make their home so far awayyy" Lorien was complaining, not that Nora was going to stop her. They felt the same way, Lorien simply verbalized the annoyance.

"They just love to flaunt their wealth and power. That just makes it easier for us to steal from them" Nora always seemed to have an answer for Lorien. Which she loved. Nora liked knowing things and explaining them, and Lorien adored the way her lover looked when she got excited. Something she didn't show often.

"Luckily, we're here now" that much was obvious by the overwhelming amount of people scurrying across the streets. They were all so oblivious to the plan Lorien and Nora had hatched. It was practically foolproof.


"Come on!" Lorien grabbed Nora's hand and they slipped through the cracks in the crowd, heading directly through the highly decorated gates. Guards posted at every entrance. Most weren't even paying attention, some were even asleep. Idiots.

It was funny how easily they made their way inside. Nobody questioned who they were, it was a masquerade. Identities were meant to be hidden here. Lorien's mask obscured most of her features, it was the only thing Nora regretted.

She loved looking at Lorien, loved seeing the shine in her eyes when she smiled, the crinkle in her smile line. Her nose scrunching up when she disagreed with something. The way her smile lit up something in Nora, the flurry of warmth that radiated around her. But the butterflies never went away, hence why she made Lorien's mask and dress themed around butterflies.

Lorien's favorite animal, and how Nora always felt around her. Like the same nervousness she got when they first met, except they'd been together for years at this point.

"Look at all of this N!" Lorien whispered out in a kind of hushed yell. She did a spin as she took in everything, the amount of riches just left around, when the rich flaunt their wealth they go all out. Luckily for the thieves around.

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