Pleasureful night (RainxSodo)🔞

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(If you want anything different
I'm open for requests >:(
Just make sure there's enough detail, yk?

Also left on a cliff hanger I just couldn't push
myself to write anymore...its  2am..

It started off as a make-out session...but then quickly escalated. It was after Copia some other bitches anniversary party. And you (might of) guessed it, the ghouls got drunk. Especialy Rain.

Something about the water ghoul is that when he has one drink, it's a never-ending cycle UNTIL someone stops him. And that someone was Sodo. And he's the horny type drunk. But let's face it, pretty much every ghoul is like that. Everyone knows Rain is a shy mother fucker, but when he gets a little bit of alcohol in his system? That part of Rain flies clean out the window.

"So-od-o.." Rain groaned, taking in the other. His eyes were coated red and almost closed. His hair was all over the place, he murmured words not even a baby would understand, and all in all, he was a drunk mess. "Fuck~!" Rain was squirmer than ever. Though he always moved during sex, Sodo felt as if this was different. Maybe he's being a little too cautious. The fire ghoul started to go slower, "Baby, you okay?" He questioned. At one point he completely stopped. "..Yea-ah.. Keep going..." Rain whined. The top was hesitant, "Are you sure? We can't stop ba-"

"Yes! I'm fine..." Rain whined at the end. Sodo did have his doubts about fucking him, but Rain did beg for it...

(Ten minutes ago)

"Sodoo...~ Please?" Rain grasped onto Sodo's shoulder while looking at the side of his face. Sodo sat in the driver's seat slowly stopping the car at a red light. "I-I'm..fine!" Sodo looked over and glanced at the ghoul in the passenger seat, "Honey, you're a mess right now. At least wait until morning. When you feel better." He argues, making sure he's still paying attention to the road. "But..Iwantyou..!" The water ghoul slurs. Rain sat straight and looked forward. "Please? I..'ll be a good boy~" And that did it for Sodo. He felt his pants get tighter right along with his grip on the steering wheel. "I w-want you in me! Please Sodo..!" Rain stammered.

"Rain-" Sodo tried to make a statement back but was stopped by Rain placing a hand on his thigh. Way too close to where his dick started to stand. He nervously looked down but quickly snapped out of it when he drove up the driveway in front of his house. Rain gazes at Sodo seductively with low glossy eyes then slurred his words, "Please, Daddy?~" Rain leaned in and kissed the other on the cheek, then cupped his face to actually kiss him. It didn't take long until Sodo gave him. They did tongue and all. Around them was silent - only the sounds of cars passing by and crickets were heard. With those moments it took every part of Sodo's body not to agree.


"augh- fuck!" Rain cursed. His head was pressed against the soft mattress, practically in doggy style. Sodo pressed the water ghoul's right hand behind his back and then used his free hand to push Rain's head LIGHTLY to keep him on the bed. Sodo keeps his thrusts pretty slow and steady, making sure he doesn't hurt him or get him to overstimulated. Rain was enjoying every single millisecond of this. With every thrust Rain let out a sinful moan, getting closer and closer to climax. "This is what you wanted, hmm?" Sodo purrs into the bottoms ear. Rain whimpers in reaction to the warm sensation of Sodo's steady breath. They hit skin to skin when the fire ghoul started getting closer to his climax.

Submissive starts to get louder as Sodo hits right on his G spot. He lets out a cry, bending his back and curling his toes. "Oh- my- Fuck!" He breathes between every word. "uugh..nh" Sodo practically grinned at Rain. He wasn't the type to swear a lot, so seeing him freely say cusses without a fuck in the world turned him on even more.

Rythmic smacking starts filling the room, followed by even more moans and groans by them both. Soon, Rain's lower stomach starts to feel tight. "Can- I cum, Sodo? P-lease?" The submissive face grows hot, ready for release. But Sodo couldn't help but be a tad bit sadistic.

"Not yet-" He squeezes Rain's arm as he penetrates in and out of the other. He throws his head back in pleasure and lets out a deep groan, "fuck, baby. I love you, Rain." The ghoul whimpers a response then mumbles something completely unauditable. Droll falls from his gaping mouth, not being able to control the ecstasy he felt throughout his trembling body. Sodo leans down to hold onto Rain's neck, he pulls him up and kisses his way up to his cheek. Rain's, now freed hand, clasps onto Sodo's arm. "I love you so fucking much." Sodo moans possessively, "Fuc-" They both practically scream. Rain shivered at the warm feeling of Sodo cumming inside him.

Still holding onto Rain, Sodo pulled out. "You okay?" He asked moving his whole body to face Rains. But the ghoul was completely asleep. Chuckling, Sodo rested his limp body on the bed. He left to get an extra pair of sheets due to his current ones being completely soaked. He crawled into the bed lying closely next to his lover. He gives Rain a peck on his shoulder before spreading the sheet so there's enough for the both of them. He turned off the nightstand light and then finally got comfortable. Soon, he's eyes slowly start to shut.


Sodo woke up to a door slamming, then gagging coming from his bathroom. He looked over confuseingly, but then realized it was Rain. At the moment he didn't know if he should go check on him- or if he should just leave him alone.

Picking his second option, he stood out of bed, still naked, and grabbed some of Rain's clothes out of his closet. (Rains clothes are over there from past times they hung out and coz they aren't the same size) He grabbed Sweats and a sweater then placed them on the corner of the bed...where it isn't coated with cum. He grabbed his socks for Rain to use and placed them over the clothes. Sodo grabs a shirt and a pair of pants and puts them on so he isn't just walking around the house butt-ass naked while making breakfast.


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